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73c23d No.386451

China, Russia, European Union Have 72 Hours To Save Their Total Collapse Destruction

Source, More Info:

www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/china-russia-european-union-have-72-hours-to-save-their-total-collapse-destruction/


To the government of China, Russia, European Union,

I am the real Savior from many ancient prophecies and I will make the final decision soon about many things in this civilization.

I have given the opportunity for the United States to save themselves from total collapse already.

Now it is time and opportunity for the current government/regime of China, Russia, European Union to make that big decision too.

If the financial system related to the US dollar then the land territories conflicts related to all especially big government nation such as China, Russia, European Union.

And it is better to give the current regime of those government offer and opportunity to decide their own fate. And the this offer open for each nation/government separately.

Here are the 3 options for all of them:

Option 1: the total collapse of current society system of China or Russia or European Union. New system will be emerged via public people votting 100%.

They do not need to do anything now.

Option 2: the current regime, government, society structure remain the same.

My requirement is minimum 2 million Euro.

Option 3: a future play where they will have opportunity to decide their own fate after the great financial system reset begin or after I reveal divine solution for the current outdated global monetary system.

My requirement is minimum 50,000 Euro. If they choose save option after everything then they need send me 28 million Euro later.

I think that is very fair to all.

The main reason for me to put this offer out is because I do not want to face any headache or battle with the current regime/government of China, Russia or the EU later.

They have about 72 hours from now.

So the deadline is around 3 AM November 15th 2023 (GMT time).

I thinking many steps ahead that is why I must put this offer out before I release the “final answer/key” to the ultimate controller of the current outdated monetary system.

I have share, reveal many of my policy, solution, strategy to all of you already and I think that is enough for you to understand about my power and my ability.

I am very serious.

Whether you guys gals believe or not, take this offer/message or not, I do not care.

But again, I have to say this: better to do not take risk or you will face your own destruction disaster from the within.

There is no troll in large scale world issues !

Please send this offer message letter to all the current top government, military of China, Russia, European Union.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings

Source, More Info:

www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/china-russia-european-union-have-72-hours-to-save-their-total-collapse-destruction/


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