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File: a3db027407fe328⋯.png (24.69 KB,231x218,231:218,IMG_5723.PNG)

bff27e No.386448

The term of the day is Pathological grievance ideology.

The term Pathological grievance ideology Can be used against kikes when they bring up muh holocaust and muh antisemitism.

For instance, you can begin your sentence with “ Pathological grievance ideology aside,” or “I understand your Pathological grievance ideology but,” then follow it with your rebuttal or passive-aggressive insult.

Alternately, you may say “conspiracy theories aside,” or “I understand you may subscribe to conspiracy theories but,”.

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20caa2 No.386450


Y'all gotta make up your minds.

1] Hitler was a hero for eliminating the Jews.

2] Hitler did nothing wrong because the holocaust didn't happen.

You can't eat your cake and have it too. You are too stupid to live anymore. See you soon.

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bff27e No.386452


Conspiracy theories aside, what became of the kikes under Hitler is complex & multifaceted. If you turn on a VPN and do your research, you will find a plethora of evidence pointing out the long, asymmetric war waged by kikes against the white race. Note the correlation between nations that support the kikes and nations overrun by degeneracy & non-whites. That is one obvious example of subversion by kikes. Examples of kike subversion are not limited to that, it is simply one example to get you started. Check your information.

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bff27e No.386453

The Allies did nothing wrong because they destroyed multiple trade routes, cutting off vital supplies from the kikes in concentration camps, leading to their anorexia, unfettered exposure to the bug infestations, and deaths.

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748efa No.386461



I don't care about any of this 100 year old past history bullshit that is long over and gone forever. I hope the Palestinians and Israelis nuke one another and we are finally forced out of the Middle East altogether.

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bff27e No.386504

File: f76fd0788a9c298⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB,800x534,400:267,348ACA9C_1C4B_4FA8_8B28_D….jpeg)

Ha ha ha this kike

>>386450 got BTFO and never came back!

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bff27e No.386511


>I am just another non-white benefiting from being a kike tool in the ongoing elimination of the white race

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bff27e No.386521


I missed the part where you’ll ever get us to pay money.

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