… Let Us talk about tending to the living. Yes indeed let us talk. https://www.bitchute.com/video/hvUl2fMzHugw/
Let us talk …
Let Us talk about tending to the living.
Yes indeed let us talk.
Let's have a talk about other possibilities. Let's
have a talk about better things. Let us talk about
preservation, restoration and rebuilding.
Let us talk about chastity, virtue, glory and
renown, as high ideals; of Honesty, duty, loyalty
and courageous action willingly
undertook as the means to great ends. Let us talk
of common action to the common good as the best
of ends.
Let us talk about the clean, orderly future that
awaits us after all this vigorous action. The happy
and strong people of the world whom we should
wish to emulate, past, present and future.
Let us talk with pride of the beauty and light that
our culture has and shall again project onto this
dark world in our valiant effort to push
back the vile world of savagery.
Let us talk about tomorrow rather than yesterday
or even today, ever forward, ever onward towards
Let us look to the future that awaits us at the end of
a glorious period of struggle, contest and bitterly
resisted intrusion, upon our culture sphere and
living space by the dark hordes of the Earth.
Let us set aside thoughts of mass confrontation
and talk about more mundane daily routine things.
Let us talk about emulating the good in others and
negating the bad in ourselves thereby.
Let us talk about a certain, for now to be unnamed,
nation-state which is in the here and now based
upon safe families, securely in their homes, happy
around hearths, upholding their heritage in a tight
knit community of like families.
Life building upon life; let us walk among these
people mentally and talk about what we see.
The family is based upon a happy mother father
bonding pair, which seem to make the basis for the
well founded home and the tight knit community,
in which life grows.
The mother-father-child quantum is the well, from
which spring ,many similar persons into
interlocked families which being bound together by
blood and way of life grow, as if from a single
fertilized egg, naturally into a unified and united
This people we are discussing, have a living
community of activity in which there exists
spiritually and mentally a conscious commonality
of language, manners, and morality.
This people have a sense of a shared history going
back to the first family all the way back into the
mist of hoar haired time. An identity as old as the
oldest rocks but reborn in the face of every lawful
citizen's child who is raised into this sacred and
hallowed tradition.
This people have a common cultural core that
grows with them, and shapes while it is shaped by
the living people themselves. A vital culture that
exalts their values, mores and needs openly with
satisfaction in itself.
The morals of the families and the whole people
are based upon: honest dealing one to the other;
frugality in use of material needs; dedication to
ones family, kin, community and labors; and
mutual respect all to all, each that gives respect is
The culture of this people reflects and gives life to
these high ideals. Affirming boldly and loudly the
good and censoring the ill with no regard for moral
quibbles. Society is only a large well behaved
family writ large.
This people acting as an economic whole are the
vital living nation. The nation of its own will
protects the land of the whole, the livelihood of the
family, and the life of each loyal citizen who does
his duty to the nation. Each citizen as a sign of
loyalty serves in the capacity he is able first his own
family, then his local community and then the
whole polity, in that order.
The Nation is wise enough to see that the citizen
must have food, shelter and clothing for the family
to whom he belongs, and that order requires they
provide by their own labors.
Thus the nation ensures to each family as a unit
the means to have a livelihood, such that they may
labor to provide for the family home.
Since without this right no other right has any
meaning at all. Freedom starts with a family
home free from want and able to honorable
provide for themselves in this people's estimation.
The final end of the nation is to ensure the people
grow and produce enough material means to
survive, and are over all viral and strong.
The nation is simply the household economy that
keeps its own and cares for all its members writ
This people as a political whole are the state under
which they live. The state is bound to the law.
Seeks to keep order. And as far as humanly
possible seeks to ensure to each the justice
rightfully due to them.