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File: da2d869f5cf8ec5⋯.jpeg (13.8 KB,282x179,282:179,images_6_.jpeg)

610893 No.386415

>grow drugs and then sell for money

>use money to buy assault rifles

>use money to buy private jet or ship

>head to Europe with weapons on boars

>sell them to white boys so they can commit terrorist attacks against white women, niggers, arabs, and the police

>have them wear moroccan djellaba that's black with a balaclava so you're completely anonymous

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696745 No.386416

because of europian policies

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643eca No.386417


Europe sucks ass and I'm not risking my ass doing stupid shit in attempt to save that sinking commie shithole, that's why!

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2c987b No.386458

way ahead of you glowniggers

who the fuck do you think is printing the drones iran sells??? Iran???

i have you faggots so played rn

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e782ca No.386469


You say that like it's super easy. If it's that easy, why don't YOU do it?

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0f6dc8 No.386481


Europe does suck. Everybody hates it. They've relied on US protection since forever. It's time to pull out of Europe entirely, see how it defends itself and more importantly how fast it falls.

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df1704 No.387424

File: 02cd6cfd4cafe1e⋯.jpg (622.38 KB,800x4200,4:21,kpack2.jpg)


why tho?

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