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File: 64d51c36e9f6ab0⋯.jpeg (48.83 KB,474x266,237:133,737F2169_139B_42F8_8E1A_2….jpeg)

81080f No.386413

ITT: we discuss the duality of the kike.

The kike has flooded the white nations with humanoid non-whites. The kike worked a long time to do this. Then one day, the kike decided to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip. In response, the humanoids kikes packed the white world with rose up against the kike. Massive counter Semitic protests erupted in the institutions of higher education that the kike thought he would use the same to destroy white education without consequences. The humanoids that the kikes sent to replace the whites are now working together against the kike. The non-whites managed to sway the west slightly away from the kikes.

Somehow, diaspora kikes fell for their own kikery by voicing support for Palestinian lives and demanded Israel cease fire. The result of the kike’s asymmetric war against white men is backfiring. It has even budged Israel into 4 hours of ceasefire per day.

Yes, the asymmetric war strategy of using shitskins to erase white men from the face of the earth has gone wrong for the kike. The “service” has been weakened by the women, faggots, and troons and is not reliable enough to fight for Israel. Yet another asymmetric war tactic that backfired on Israel. Will the kike finally learn to cease its war against the white race? No.

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