Its theories are grand and its propositions
deep, but they lack just one thing to make
them complete –
The real issue with PC and its ally theories is that
they are predicated upon fantasy notions about
magical individuals who are completely 'equal' –
no such device exists.
The entire value system of the modernist collection
of allowed beliefs are premised upon an object that
simply does not exist– the perfect individual with
NO ties to anyone else and NO duty to anyone but
himself, who is also perfectly equal to all other
individuals each and every one.
They require what is impossible and thus are NOT
logically possible and what is not possible is not
soundly used as a premise – it must result in a
false result. The Failure is inherent in the unsound
premises. A theory must be possible to be sound.
The modernist individualist fantasy is not
possible because ALL people alive are the
result of TWO people mixing flesh and thus
ALL people require a group to exist – no
perfect individual has ever existed or will
ever exist.
This is the first, only and best objection that ANY
Nationalist, traditionalist, or other anti-modernist
can make to all materialist, individualists,
hedonists, and/or modernist dogmas – liberalism,
communism, feminism being just several among
the herd.
A consistent nationalism must have the central
belief that national groups are the vehicle of
history. It must firmly adhere to the ideal that
what is best for the Whole People is Best over All –
self interest must FIRMLY and openly be
denounced as greed and perversion of the better
instincts of the kind in open manly defiance of the
wrong minded materialist nonsense about
A solidly based Nationalism must reject the
communist and liberal explanations of both
nations and individuals as being inadequate and
untrue. In both Communism and Liberalism you
just sort of magically have individuals who have
'economic' purpose from nothing – this is NOT
how it actually occurs in nature's realm.
In Natures Realm families – Man and Women
bonding pairs headed by the man – create
children and this natural order requires that the
Man is head and NO other. The man as head and
provider works to provide for the women and child.
The women stays with the child and home fire,
keeping the home and children in order when the
man is gone. The children are raised by mother
until they are a certain age then if they are male
they go with father. But when their are choices to
be made by and for the family FATHER makes
them as this is nature's proper order.
The family like the nation state has an economic
function in such as a proper economy is concerned
SOLELY with the feeding, clothing, and housing of
the kind to the end that more of the kind may be
produced and those already here can be strong and
well founded.
The First Family is the First Economic, Social,
Political Unit and serves as the measure of all the
With that:
No Border – No White Nation.
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #ZIONIST #NOWARFORISAEL #SCREWTHEJEWS #NoJewishWar #NoWarInGaza #DefendOurBorder
A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children.
#WhiteCulture #WhiteGenocide #Whites #WhiteMajority
#WhitePower #WhitePride #WhiteIdentity #WhiteSurvival
#DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages