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File: c0bd12e2a623004⋯.jpg (820.99 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Prophecy_YOU_SHALL_DIE_AFT….jpg)

392e2b No.386360


"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."


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08fc6d No.386362

Wait, I thought that Babylon goes down in one hour and we get to drink lots of Absinthe.

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