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File: f844f40df589945⋯.png (342.39 KB,512x512,1:1,tree_of_life_burnt_by_dive….png)

6bdf27 No.386273


Kitler gathered the White Apes and delivered a powerful

speech that resonated deeply with the people. He

celebrated their core values, emphasizing the

importance of home, hearth, heritage, family, and

community. Kitler stressed the significance of their

nation and their commitment to nationalism. He called

for the preservation of Western culture and Western

pride, and he proudly declared their identity as

EuroAmericans and Europeans, united by a shared


In Kitler's vision, fatherhood and motherhood were

revered, and he promised a future with clean streets,

good jobs, proper wages, and honest pay for honest

work. He advocated for a society where men would

become responsible adults, mothers would be respected

for their role, and children would be cherished as the

future. In this vision, liberalism had no place, as it had

failed to uphold the values that mattered most to the

White Apes.

Kitler called for economic self-sufficiency (autarky) and

unyielding freedom. He believed in the principles of

respect, honor, and dignity for all, and he emphasized

the importance of loyalty and duty to their nation. He

called for a return to righteousness, frugality, dedication,

and courage, setting a course for a new era of prosperity.

Kitler's message inspired the White Apes, and under his

leadership, they reclaimed their land, driving out the

'hee-boos' and restoring the peace and tranquility that

had once defined Muria. Their story became a testament

to the power of unity, determination, and the

unwavering commitment to their values and heritage.

As the sun set over Muria, the White Apes celebrated

their victory, knowing that they had triumphed over

adversity and adversity and secured their future as a

people committed to their principles. The Land of the

White Apes had been restored, and a new golden age

had begun.


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