COIN: The DC Comics investment.
Balfour: The Attleboro jewelry industry.
MI-6: The planted unit inside the prostitution industry.
Canada Department: The Italians of French-Canada, the Mounted Patrol.
New York Fire Department: The Iranians of the East Coast.
Union: The hidden spies of Canada.
Mossad: The spies union, of retired secret agents.
Redcoats: The unique genetic disorders, the British Anglican theater thespians.
East Indies Company: The trade in rare spices, outside French and German terms, for gun sales of munitiions trade with adopted children, Shane O'Neill.
British Navy: The Chinese ports, to save rare bloodlines, by initiating regimes.
Vatican: The removal from prohibition, temperance, and tolerance, to common trade of township.
Third Crusade: The invasion of Jerusalem, to counter the slavery of others, the tiithe or tax, the assumption of work, for food; without the payment in luxury, the Arabist method.
Thieves Guild: The contrary to the "white militia", the rich men of butlers kingdoms. Gin rummy.
The Roman Legion: The service to become an Italian, by breeding common blood through Latin, the tattoo artist, so the Nordic ink is illegal; the blood of Slavics, not Germans or Russians.
The Gypsy: The Mosaic of the Hittites, the beaten wife of Moses, the Prince of Egypt, the Southern Kingdom.
All flowing from Samson, the Heavenly Prosecutor; Lucifer, the law tempted as a prosecutor, unto the enemy, that invoking in defense.