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File: 3d288a06ec43510⋯.png (439.07 KB,873x1737,97:193,00000000.png)

ae729e No.386220


Alex Soros says he'll be 100X as bad as his dad.

And that he will succeed in getting conservatives completely banned from the internet. Probably.


The Bible said the final war against Israel would be "fought by the east". I always figured that would be Russia, but as it turns out China just signed a new strategic pact with Palestine and has vowed, as part of that pact, to provide protection from Israel. That ought to go well.

Meanwhile, it appears war preps are escalating, America is openly flying nuclear bombers over Europe and Russia is escalating as well. If you put off prepping, this is probably it over the next while - all the pieces are in place - how Trump is being handled (communist style handling of political opposition) and those pieces are signalling more strongly than ever that the end is near. What to do? nothing really, I think I bitched on time and Alex Jones certainly did also, I remember him back in the 90's which was soon enough - but due to the fact that people just clicked off to the next story and did nothing it's definitely over now. There is literally no point in running this site.

Remember: The bible clearly dictates during the end days that the events will suddenly escalate even by our perspective (not an eternal perspective) and things will go POOF suddenly, all the nasty stuff in the book of revelations happens within a few years and we already had the DNA corrupting clotshot.

We are on the handle of the hockey stick, you had damn well better be ready.

You say fuckit.

Now, before I get into the "fuckit" part, I am going to point out that "they" have something huge planned and have probably done this to ALL dissenting media voices, a "necessary step" when whatever they have planned requires the lie to remain supreme. There's no doubt I am in trouble if they have pulled this sh*t but the trap has not been sprung yet, there's still a chance to say something at least.

There is going to be either an all new pandemic and forced shot campaign, or a huge war, and framing and eliminating alt voices will be part and parcel with that. Historically it has been that way with war, but this is the first time they pulled the forced shot BS and it's going to be one, the other, or both.

Now that's out of the way, so fuckit.

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7149cf No.386229

anti-slide 5.56

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da3950 No.386257

anti-slide 2191898:01:9 1**(3iuo8os



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12eb7c No.387058

anti-slide **S&kjkll


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