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aee258 No.386219

Western Media Covering Up War Casualties, Gaza Communications Blackout, China Sides With Iran, Abrupt Change Coming

Freedom Caucus Blasts Wyoming RINO Governor Mark Gordon For Pushing UN Agenda 21


Possible Ground Offensive Beginning In Gaza, COMPLETE Communications Blackout Including Internet



Al Jazeera is reporting utterly massive and continuous bombardment of the northern Gaza Strip, unlike anything seen so far.

China Comes Out In Support Of Iran


“China will continue to firmly support Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity, and will strongly oppose any external forces interfering in Iran's internal affairs.”

Colonel Douglas Mcgregor Warns Western Media Blackout Of Gaza War Covering Up Massive US Troop Casualties


A retired US colonel announced the death of American special forces in the Gaza Strip.

Satellite Images Show How Israel Has Laid Waste To Entire Gaza Neighbourhoods


Tucker Carlson Issues Dire Warning For America: Abrupt Change Is Coming, Be Prepared!


Carlson begins by laying out the significant disconnect between Washington DC and the average American citizen's struggles - particularly how skyrocketing food inflation and housing inaccessibility for the younger generation, is fermenting a dangerous brew of widespread public disenchantment.

Gold Tops $2000 Amid Global Conflict, Government-manufactured Chaos


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eab7eb No.386231

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000143

How Biden's "Green" Agenda Is Making Homes More Expensive


The Biden regime has set its sights on a number of appliances to regulate as a part of its green agenda, including gas furnaces, water heaters, air conditioners and more, in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions.

Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week


MY COMMENT: This is it! Those in the know are abandoning the system before it IMPLODES!

“The United States has overplayed its hand in weaponizing the dollar with sanctions. You're now seeing a lot of countries de-dollar their transactions because we’ve forced it. And this goes beyond even Russia, China, and Iran. Countries like Brazil or India still want to transact with Russia. They can’t do it with dollars, so we've forced them to de-dollarize their transactions, thus weakening the strength of the dollar in the world. The West is sleepwalking our way into world war three and putting civilization itself at stake.”


This wouldn't have happened if Americans prepared for the worst 10+ years ago.


Future Of The USSA? Israeli Military Killed Israeli Civilians While Targeting Hamas Enemies


Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?

Israeli Think Tank Lays Out A Blueprint For The Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza


Gaza Is Being Pummeled By Israeli Bombs (Tens Of Thousands Of Citizens Likely Dead Now)



As Gazan Citizens Scrounge For Food and Water, Hamas Sits On Rich Trove Of Essential Supplies


Hamas was well prepared in advance to overcome SHTF scenarios!

Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a US Operations Base.


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f9fe38 No.386256

American and Israeli Fascist Communists Instigated Hamas Attacks To Unleash Emergency War Powers For Population Control


Voters In Key States Disgusted By Endless Warmongering As US Faces Domestic Crises


Wall Street Journal Today In The USSA: Get Ready For Hyperinflation America!


You may starve if you are not prepared.

Stupid Leadership! Biden's Promise To End Fossil Fuels Has Led Him To Seek Oil Anywhere But At Home


This Makes Perfect Sense. Can You Guess What Country Owns The EV Market Being Pushed On Americans?


Plans For More Destructive B61 Nuclear Bomb Unveiled


The Pentagon says it wants a higher-yield nuclear-gravity bomb based on the B61-12 design. The stated purpose of the B61-13 would be to offer more capability against especially hardened facilities, like underground strategic command and control centers, and larger area targets.

Russia Says They Rehearsed Delivering Massive Retaliatory Nuclear Strike


Russia has successfully tested its ability to deliver a massive retaliatory nuclear strike by land, sea, and air, the Kremlin said in a statement on October 25.

Gaza Continues To Be Bombed Back To Stone Age By Israeli Forces: Daily Updates





Erdogan Threatens To Declare War On Israel And Send Military To Gaza Strip




House Weaponization Panel Gets IRS To End Abusive Surprise Visits


Texas AG Paxton Sues Biden’s DHS For Cutting Razor Wire Barriers Blocking Illegals From Entering America


The Biden regime is complicit aiding a foreign invasion into America.

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