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File: e2f36001bd1be44⋯.jpg (51.51 KB,668x374,334:187,consequences.jpg)

c4300a No.386201

Israeli Ambassador Kicked Out Of UN Meeting, Generation Z Says Fuck Your Draft, Biden Admits All Wars Are Banker Wars

Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation


MY COMMENT: If I were Putin I would negotiate a deal between Hamas and Israel. The deal? Stop the war and terrorism: all Palestinians as well Hamas will get to have some free land to settle in the regions of Russian-occupied former-Ukrainian territories (as long as they no longer support any acts of terrorism or war!) and let Israel have the Gaza strip (as long as they no longer support any acts of terrorism or war!) That way Palestinians can own new territory away from Israel, and Israel can finally shut the fuck up and leave Palestinians alone!

UN Security Force Takes Israeli Ambassador OUT Of Meeting, Kicking and Screaming LOL!



Generation Z: The New Brave Anti-War Hipster Generation Is Here


Why is everyone saying Gen-Z is going to get drafted? Like - no - the fuck we are not - and you know why I know that - because we're just going to say No. Like how are they going to actually force us to get up and go to war.

Desperate To Sell Ukraine War, Biden Pathetically Appeals To Profit Motives


MY COMMENT: Another criminal conspiracy out in the open!!! ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS!!!

Prosecutor Livid After FBI Refused To Pursue Credible Biden-Ukraine Corruption Allegations


Criminals protecting other criminals.

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688828 No.386203

File: fef9da64d6c2985⋯.jpg (724.87 KB,2759x3349,2759:3349,Picsart_23_10_23_16_46_39_….jpg)


laugh as he struggles to spell TRAFFIC

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1008e3 No.386206

bumping absolute news

enjoy glowies

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