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314dfd No.386200

ACLU Warns Free Speech Is Under Attack, All-female Israeli Squad Wins Standoff With Hamas, $600 Billion In Debt In One Month

American Political Prisoner Speaks Out


Even The ACLU Is Sounding The Alarms On The Attack On Freedom of Speech In America


"But if we allow his free speech rights to be abridged, we know that other unpopular voices — even ones we agree with — will also be silenced."

The US Just Added $600 Billion In Debt In One Month, Be Ready For Economic Crisis & Hyperinflation


MY COMMENT: The plan is to crash the economy and roll out a digital currency (CBDC) to entrap everyone into social credit scores and vaccine passport police states! Freedom loving Americans better be prepared to push back against this tyranny coming! Eventually it will become a State to State issue, so make sure you live in a freedom-friendly State and preferably conservative rural county with lots of opportunity to barter and trade resources!

“We seem to be heading to war with Iran, certainly the Biden administration is pushing us in that direction…What's new and interesting and ominous is that very few Republicans, the opposition party, are pushing back…Instead, those party leaders are encouraging it.”


All-female Israeli ‘Lionesses’ Squad Kill 100 Hamas Terrorists In 14 Hour Gunfight To Save Base and Families


The Israeli government can barely contain its bloodlust for genocide in the Gaza Strip, with the latest disturbing admission coming from Israeli President Isaac Herzog. In a statement to the press, Herzog attempted to justify his regime's planned genocide by claiming that all of the 2.3 million residents of Gaza are responsible for the recent Hamas attack.


US, Russia Veto Each Other’s UN Resolutions On Israel-Gaza War


Putin Calls Israeli Holocaust In Gaza A Humanitarian Catastrophe


Retaliatory Nuclear Strike Drill Held In Russia


MY COMMENT: Russia just recently stated that if the US and/or Europe goes to direct conflict with Russia, not only will all their nukes be used against us, but they now consider Western oligarchs and organizations military targets to annihilate as well: think the IMF, WEF, World Bank, Soros NGOs, CFR, et al! And I do believe it would be well deserved if they push us towards total war!!!!

When SHTF Most Americans Are Going To Have To Survive Without Help Or Aid


MY COMMENT: When SHTF, we all just become another statistic! How do you like Big Brother now!?!?

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be36a0 No.386254

Emergency Oil Meeting Discusses Potential For Diesel Outages


MY COMMENT: If diesel runs out, the trucks stop delivering goods! If the trucks stop delivering, the grocery stores will start to go empty within a week! I feel sorry for the utter fools who refused to prepare after given all the warning signs over the years.

Joe Biden came to office declaring America is back. Now, facing hot wars in the Middle East and Ukraine and a simmering cold one with China, not to mention the massive political division in the US, the US government is beginning to look overextended.


MY COMMENT: I wonder what will happen when the US runs out of weaponry for these endless wars, once they dry up their record low Army reserves and face massive public backlash and non-compliance if a draft were to be issued? What then!? Maybe these assholes running this country should listen to the American people for once!!!

American Citizens Are Being IGNORED In Gaza, They're Being Killed And The US Government Does Not Care


Israeli Hostage Families Demand Government Explanation Of Gaza Strikes


UN General Assembly Approves Resolution Calling For Immediate Humanitarian Truce In Gaza


Criminal Zionists & Neo-cons say fuck international law.

Gaza Being Turned Into An Open Slaughterhouse, One Giant Satanic Genocide Sacrifice For Bloodlusting Demons


The war criminals who are mass murdering civilians ARE NOT "God's chosen people" and they will burn in hell for their evil, and someday soon America may too!

Slovakia's New Populist PM Follows Through On Blocking Arms To Ukraine


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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