| Nationalist Chat Bots | Comments and Other. https://www.bitchute.com/video/xyx0nKOXNII5/
We talk about this and that today.
Why? Same as always fam – to have our free say as a free man. We won't be silent like some sort of post modern serf class … NO my ancestors in North America were by and large sent to British North America as REBELS who backed Either Charles Stuart against Parliament and/or Edward Stuart as against the pretenders, not as 'indentured' tax slaves. My People were not serfs. I am not serf. Thus I will speak my mind or my tongue will have to be removed.
Stand fast. Hold. It will not be easy lambs. But we will
over come. Good Prevails.
We must speak out and inform, we must inspire. We
must overcome these tyrants. The ZOG is not a
legitimate government in any way at all.
It is equal in morality to a band of pirates that took over
a town, then to use it as a base.
Time to expel these pirate sodomites from our shores.
World Wide Freedom from the Murderers of God.
ZOG is a FOREIGN conspiracy by
ZIONIST/Marxist/Communist JEWS in Media Banking
Academia Education and Government to ferment a
state within a state commonly known as the Deep State
cabal which has the purpose of ruling the usa by proxy
for the purposes of JEWS and JEWS alone … Thus
making the current COUP REGIME not only illegal but
We have every moral right and obligation to do everything in our
power to utterly destroy any who would do us harm!!
#GOP = #DEMOCRATS = #MLK = #ADL = #AntiWhite
#AntiAmerican #AntiChrist Death Cultists!
Diversity = Getting rid of White people .
Inclusiveness = Getting rid of White people .
Multicultural = Getting rid of White people.
Equity = Getting rid of White people.
CRT = Brainwashing Negros and Brown skinned races to
Hate people of the White race
DIE = Death Cult Inclusion Excludes White!
To the Reading:
One More Folks: Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, we gather to celebrate our shared values and the
principles that have defined our nation for generations.
As nationalists with a conservative perspective, we hold
dear to the ideals of #Home, #Hearth, #Heritage, and
We believe in the strength of the #Family, where
#fatherhood and #motherhood play pivotal roles in
nurturing the next generation. We advocate for
#cleanstreets and #goodjobs with #properwages to
ensure the prosperity of our people.
Our commitment to #Autarky and #Freedom resonates
with our desire for self-sufficiency and individual
liberty. We stand for #respect, #honor, and #dignity in
all our endeavors, valuing the #loyalty, #duty, and
#courage that make us resilient.
Our vision of a strong #nation rests on the foundation of
#honestwork, #honestpay, and #honestgovernment. We
believe in #honestelections to ensure the voice of the
people is heard, emphasizing the #commongood and
striving to #breakthebondsofusury through #publicbank
and #publiccredit.
When it comes to #Border, #BorderSecurity, and
#BorderWall, we stress the importance of protecting our
national sovereignty. We call for rational policies to
#DeportThemAll and address #DeportIllegals, aiming
to #MakeAmericaSafeAgain and secure our borders to
In conclusion, our nationalist-conservative perspective
is deeply rooted in our love for this country and its
people. We are committed to preserving our heritage
while embracing the values that have made us strong.
Thank you for joining us in this cause.
We shall be lords of this Earth FAM!
God Bless You all.
With that:
No Border – No White Nation.
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #ZIONIST #NOWARFORISAEL #SCREWTHEJEWS #NoJewishWar #NoWarInGaza #DefendOurBorder
A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children.
#WhiteCulture #WhiteGenocide #Whites #WhiteMajority
#WhitePower #WhitePride #WhiteIdentity #WhiteSurvival
#DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration