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14f888 No.386182

Newsgaurd Funded By US Government, UN Chief Angers Israeli Government, Israel Angers Erdogan, Russia Captures Weaponry

Newsgaurd Exposed As Another Government Propaganda Tool


MY COMMENT: All news ranking agencies act as gatekeepers, gatekeepers are in the business of spoon feeding establishment propaganda and berating anyone that questions their spoon fed narratives!

Brave Israeli Border Guard Admits Hamas Attack Was Allowed To Happen, Attack Used As A FALSE FLAG Operation


Erdogan Cancelling Plans To Visit Israel Over Gaza War Crimes


UN Chief Calls Civilian Bombings In Gaza Unlawful, Angering Israeli Government


Russia Captures US & German Weaponry, Equipment In Massive Blow To Deep State Neo-cons


Vladimir Putin's forces have released images of captured US and German heavy armor at a key flashpoint in the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

All Wars Are Banker Wars


Jews Fear World War III Will Be Blamed On Them


House May Remain Speakerless For Some Time Into The Future


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5011d8 No.386196

Good! Putin Puts WEF/Davos Despots On Notice, They Are Now “Legitimate Military Targets”


MY COMMENT: If the globalists want to destroy BRICS and Russia, they themselves will be destroyed too! Can you say JUSTICE, ONCE AND FOR ALL!?

THE CHOICE: Demand PEACE And We Live In Abundance, Pursue WAR And We All Die


Standard & Poors Downgrades Israel Debt To Negative


This is a very significant sign that things are not going well for Israel - overall - and that the big money is now looking at Israeli investments as something to avoid.

China Fires Defense Minister, Now Moving Toward Taiwan


States With Highest Californian Migrants


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3e38d7 No.387057


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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