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e1047a No.386120

Global Crisis, Russia & America Scrap Nuclear Treaties, Turkey Defecting From NATO, NYC Protests Fume With Anger

Governments Better Be Careful! We Are On The Verge Of A Global Crisis Unlike Anything Since WWII


Former US President Donald Trump Warns American Voters Biden Regime Is Leading US Into WWIII


The United States White House is throwing this country into a war time crisis. The stakes have never been so high, and yet this country is deeply politically polarized and many citizens do not agree with the wars our government is getting the country into. Meanwhile war protests are already breaking out in certain areas of America. The support between Israel and Gaza is deeply divided and crosses party lines. If these wars continue, this is a recipe for disaster. Will the US government be forced to address American grievances and perhaps pull out of these wars, or will the whole house of cards fall in the middle of a massive world war that ends in America's defeat? This is what is at stake, and this is too big a gamble.


The US military conducted a high-explosive nuclear test in Nevada on Wednesday for the first time in over 30 years, hours after Russia revoked its ban on atomic-weapons testing.


Turkey May Get Involved In War, Defecting From NATO Allies


Israel Bombs Historic Greek Orthodox Church Of Saint Porphyrius In Gaza


Detroit Synagogue President Found Stabbed to Death


New York City Fumes With Anger Over War, Protesters Of Israeli and Palestinian Supporters Clash


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c2d9d3 No.386131

You Can Now SUE Clot Shot Makers For Any Health Related Damage!


The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration.

Top Toxicologist Warns mRNA Clot Shots Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40


Covid Clot Shots Found To Have Simian SV40 Virus (It Causes Long-term Cancer!)


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af0c11 No.386174

America’s Downtowns Are Empty, Fixing Them Will Be Expensive


MY COMMENT: Extremely expensive, because inflation is only going to get worse as time goes on! Do you know building your own house these days would cost a fortune due to the current price of lumber? Americans used to build homes cheaper than what they would purchase already-built homes on the market! Not anymore! The sad fact is destroying things is very easy to do, it does not cost much or take a long time or much effort, but building things costs a lot of money, lots of time and you need the skills and hard labor! So if you destroy something, chances are it's going to remain destroyed! Those cities? People are moving out, meaning loss of tax revenue. They'll just be America's next ghost towns!

Israel Is Poking The Bear, Not A Very Smart Move When Surrounded By Dissenting Nations


“Russia is supporting the enemies of Israel. Russia is supporting Nazi people who want to commit genocide on us and Russia will pay the price. We’re gonna win this war. Afterwards, we're not forgetting what you're doing, we're not forgetting, we will come, we will make sure Ukraine wins. We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done, you as Russia.”

Israeli Airstrike On Cafe In Gaza Kills 10 Citizens


Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s most feted post-war prime minister, was fiercely pro-Jewish and a powerful enemy of antisemitism. But she was never afraid to call out Israeli war crimes, and did so repeatedly.


Israel Using Hamas FALSE FLAG Attack To Commence Second Genocide (First Was The COVID “Vaccine” Genocide)


Israel Says They Found Evidence Of Hamas Intention To Use Chemical Weapons


Hamas & IDF Ground Forces Clash For 1st Time Inside Gaza


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