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File: a2c25247c847273⋯.png (1.43 MB,1463x1080,1463:1080,Picsart_23_10_21_09_10_15_….png)

9b606d No.386092

TRAFFICK has gotten really bad lately

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9b606d No.386093

File: a2c25247c847273⋯.png (1.43 MB,1463x1080,1463:1080,Picsart_23_10_21_09_10_15_….png)

Hey kids!! It's good old Killcen here!!

I just wanted to tell you that I am a psychic prophet

And I was completely off guard by the invasion of Ukraine, AND even though the Palestinian Israeli conflict has been continuing bubbling through the surface since 1949, I WAS CAUGHT COMPLETELY OFF GUARD BY THE RECENT CONFLICT IN GAZA.

strangely, this all occurred in a tiny plot of land associated with my false religion of "Christianity", and I actually consider myself to be a reincarnated biblical character, BUT I HAD NO CLUE WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN GAZA.

I've been too busy focusing on Alex Jones conspiracy theories, imaginary demons whispering in my ears, embarrassing 5G clot shot misnomers, and warning people that chemtrails spelled the end of life on Earth…

I guess I'm not very talented that the psychic thing?

If you're out there driving around in your car today, be careful because there's a lot of TRAFFICK out there.

YOUR going to die in the TRAFFICK!!

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