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File: 77cad238924aa07⋯.jpg (92.07 KB,850x596,425:298,Endless_Waste.jpg)

f61d94 No.386078

Oregon Public Schools Say Students No Longer Need Math, Reading or Writting Skills


The deliberate dumbing down of America is now complete. Our nation is fully doomed.

Silicon Valley Cries As Their News Viewership Tanks


Trust Collapse! Last year, only 17% of Americans got a fall Covid clot shot booster. So far this year it's under 3%, per Bloomberg.


MY COMMENT: This is very good news! This means a majority of Americans now see through the total scam and bullshit!! This only makes their psyops against us much harder to pull off and in fact, largely ineffective for years to come!!!

Good! Federal Judge Overturns California’s Unconstitutional Ban On AR-15 Style Rifles And Magazine Bans


Hamas Releases Two American Hostages


“In response to Qatari efforts, Al-Qassam Brigades released two American citizens (a mother and her daughter) for humanitarian reasons,” Abu Obaida said in a statement. He added that the move aimed “to prove to the American people and the world that the claims made by Biden and his fascist administration are false and baseless”.

Not everyone with Jewish blood is pleased about Israel's ongoing airstrike attacks and planned invasion of the Gaza Strip, including the hundreds of Jewish Voice for Peace Action protesters who gathered outside the Brooklyn home of New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat and Jew who apparently supports Israel and wants more US taxpayer aid to be sent to the Middle Eastern regime.


Israel Likely To Give Palestinians Two Options: Forced Re-location Or Genocide


Eastern Nations Pushing Back Against 'Green' Funding Scams Pushed By Western Nations


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88ef8e No.386080

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000127

The United States White House is throwing this country into a war time crisis. The stakes have never been so high, and yet this country is deeply politically polarized and many citizens do not agree with the wars our government is getting the country into. Meanwhile war protests are already breaking out in certain areas of America. The support between Israel and Gaza is deeply divided and crosses party lines. If these wars continue, this is a recipe for disaster. Will the US government be forced to address American grievances and perhaps pull out of these wars, or will the whole house of cards fall in the middle of a massive world war that ends in America's defeat? This is what is at stake, and this is too big a gamble.


Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Shreds Biden For Bad Diplomacy


Israel Official Threatens Russia


Orthodox Jews Rally Against Zionist Israeli Government


Russia Deploys Hypersonic ICBM After US Conducts Nuclear Weapons Test


Swiss Government Begins Distributing Iodine Pills To Entire Population


US Supreme Court Temporarily Postpones Censorship Lawsuit By Missouri


On Friday, the Supreme Court placed a temporary stay on the order until it decides the case. It also agreed to immediately take up the government’s appeal, meaning it will hear arguments and issue a ruling on the merits in its current term, which runs until the end of June.

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4afac1 No.386087

File: 0807b79ba289347⋯.png (45.86 KB,980x482,490:241,Picsart_23_10_17_10_09_39_….png)


yeah, but how's the TRAFFICK ?

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4afac1 No.386088

File: 854635e1bddc5eb⋯.png (118.68 KB,1381x703,1381:703,Picsart_23_10_17_10_09_25_….png)


"Oregon Public Schools Say Students No Longer Need Math, Reading or Writting Skills"

says the 75 year old man WHO CANT SPELL "YOU'RE " OR "TRAFFIC"

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3dcd44 No.386101

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000127

The United States White House is throwing this country into a war time crisis. The stakes have never been so high, and yet this country is deeply politically polarized and many citizens do not agree with the wars our government is getting the country into. Meanwhile war protests are already breaking out in certain areas of America. The support between Israel and Gaza is deeply divided and crosses party lines. If these wars continue, this is a recipe for disaster. Will the US government be forced to address American grievances and perhaps pull out of these wars, or will the whole house of cards fall in the middle of a massive world war that ends in America's defeat? This is what is at stake, and this is too big a gamble.


Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Shreds Biden For Bad Diplomacy


Israel Official Threatens Russia


Orthodox Jews Rally Against Zionist Israeli Government


Russia Deploys Hypersonic ICBM After US Conducts Nuclear Weapons Test


Swiss Government Begins Distributing Iodine Pills To Entire Population


US Supreme Court Temporarily Postpones Censorship Lawsuit By Missouri


On Friday, the Supreme Court placed a temporary stay on the order until it decides the case. It also agreed to immediately take up the government’s appeal, meaning it will hear arguments and issue a ruling on the merits in its current term, which runs until the end of June.

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3dcd44 No.386102

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000128

Muslims Protest Around The World As Israeli Government Vows Jihad



Muslims Protest Around The World As Israeli Government Vows Jihad



As an unrelenting Israeli bombardment intensified on Saturday, bakeries in Gaza were running out of bread, drinking water was in short supply and power outages left families without charged phones to find out if fleeing relatives were safe.


Israeli Debt Faces Downgrade By Moody's


Judicial Watch Announces Premiere Of ‘Censored and Controlled’ Documentary, Files Lawsuits Against US Government


Governments Are Desperate For Censorship During This Manufactured War Time Crisis


China Completes First Digital Yuan Purchase For Cross-Border Oil Transaction


India Rejects Russian Demand To Pay For Oil In Chinese Yuan


How To Survive A Nuclear War For Dummies


MY COMMENT: Surviving a nuclear war really depends on being far enough away from major cities and nuclear targets! It also depends if you and your family have enough essential supplies stocked up in a basement or in a bunker to survive off-grid, as well as Potassium Iodide to protect yourself from fallout radiation! REMEMBER: (for example) if a nuke goes off in a major city and you are living in some mid-sized suburban town 40 miles away you'll need to bunker underground with everything you need to survive for at least two weeks until the radioactive fallout clears up! If you were go outside for more than five minutes during the fallout? You'll get cancer, your cells will start to mutate and you die a horrible death.

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a66851 No.387103


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