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878af1 No.386074

39% Of All American Adults Believe We Are Living In The End Times


“It’s totally contradictory,” said Chima. “One hand [India] is boasting about how digitised our systems are and telling the world to follow us, and on the other they are imposing frequent internet blackouts so none of these digital systems can work, impacting millions of people and costing millions of dollars.”


MY COMMENT: This is exactly what kind of control methods crooked governments want over the population! That's why people must be well prepared and ready for internet shutdowns and/or blackouts! If governments get their desired CBDCs to replace cash, this kind of shit is going to pulled all the time in order to control and subjugate undesirable people and rebellious communities!!!

By The Year 2030, China Will Have Doubled It's Nuclear Arsenal


China has developed an arsenal of more than 500 operational nuclear warheads and is set to double that number by the end of the decade, exceeding previous Pentagon estimates, according to a Defense Department report.

MY COMMENT: Why isn't the US doing the same!? Why have we spent trillions on wars with absolutely nothing to show for it!? Seems like they want America to be defenseless with military supplies drained!!! Why could that be?

State-run Propaganda Article: They Really Do Fear War Truth Being Exposed!


MY COMMENT: The old Twitter sucked, there was nothing of value because all the important information was blocked and censored! Like Drudge Report, the only thing you could use it for was to see whatever narratives the State was recently pushing!

UK Is Fucked As Pro-WEF Pro-Davos Bolsheviks Take Sweeping Control Of Government


US Diverts Ammunition For Ukraine To Israel In Yet Another Blow To Zelensky


Media Silent: Whistleblowers Claim CIA Recruited Hijackers For 9/11 False Flag, Hid It From FBI


MY COMMENT: Who told NORAD to stand down that day!?

Do Not Forget That Israel Too Relies On False Flag Operations For Justifying Brutal War


The Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.

Everything is ready. Everything is known. All armies are at their forward positions. Everybody is waiting for the start. When it starts, it is going to develop fast. Use this time to rest. There is nothing any of us can do anymore. It is regrettable what is going to happen, but it was a collective decision of many humans.


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b0e8f9 No.386077

Oregon Public Schools Say Students No Longer Need Math, Reading or Writting Skills


The deliberate dumbing down of America is now complete. Our nation is fully doomed.

Silicon Valley Cries As Their News Viewership Tanks


Trust Collapse! Last year, only 17% of Americans got a fall Covid clot shot booster. So far this year it's under 3%, per Bloomberg.


MY COMMENT: This is very good news! This means a majority of Americans now see through the total scam and bullshit!! This only makes their psyops against us much harder to pull off and in fact, largely ineffective for years to come!!!

Good! Federal Judge Overturns California’s Unconstitutional Ban On AR-15 Style Rifles And Magazine Bans


Hamas Releases Two American Hostages


“In response to Qatari efforts, Al-Qassam Brigades released two American citizens (a mother and her daughter) for humanitarian reasons,” Abu Obaida said in a statement. He added that the move aimed “to prove to the American people and the world that the claims made by Biden and his fascist administration are false and baseless”.

Not everyone with Jewish blood is pleased about Israel's ongoing airstrike attacks and planned invasion of the Gaza Strip, including the hundreds of Jewish Voice for Peace Action protesters who gathered outside the Brooklyn home of New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat and Jew who apparently supports Israel and wants more US taxpayer aid to be sent to the Middle Eastern regime.


Israel Likely To Give Palestinians Two Options: Forced Re-location Or Genocide


Eastern Nations Pushing Back Against 'Green' Funding Scams Pushed By Western Nations


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aec3f7 No.387061


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d21945 No.387077


Why do y'all always think that believing something means it must somehow be true? The retardation is so strong with the average American, that it's no shock ~40% believe in mythical end time sky daddies. It doesn't make it true. Just pat 'em on the head and say "there there" and give them a treat. Mental illness must be treated, not catered to.

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