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File: 470e4487276b2a4⋯.png (42.54 KB,804x522,134:87,End_Times_For_YOU.png)

2e9ad8 No.386054

Putin and Xi Jinping Talk At The Belt and Road Summit


"It's a trojan horse for globalism, led by the United Nations and their puppet masters."


Antifa Terrorist Caught and Arrested For Trying To Derail Amtrack Train


Survivors of Kibbutz Attack Turn Their Anger On Netanyahu


Israel is vowing to wipe out Hamas in a relentless onslaught on the Gaza Strip but has no obvious endgame in sight, with no clear plan for how to govern the ravaged Palestinian enclave even if it triumphs on the battlefield.


If Iran Is Not Bluffing, Sorry Neo-con Zionists, Israel Is Toast!


New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing


MY COMMENT: The neo-cons got into this mess, the military will have to deal with this mess! Hopefully the military will grow a backbone and decide all this bullshit we do in the Middle East is not worth it, it's not worth all the lives lost, it's not worth the trillions of wasted tax dollars either, they declare mutiny and get the heck out, and tell these neo-cons to shove it!!! We have plenty of resources in our own country, and we should start using them!!!

The Big Bond Bubble is bursting rapidly now, and it's taking everything down with it, thanks to Fed inflation forcing the demolition of all Fed recoveries at the same time.


When The US Government Is The Only Borrower It's No Wonder Yields Rising


The US government is the only sector to have notably borrowed on a net basis over the last five years. The market sees that as inflationary, driving yields higher.

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2e9ad8 No.386057

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000124

Biden Requests More Money For Wars, Humanitarian Aid & Border Security


US Forces Attacked 7 Times In Past 48 Hours, Biden Never Mentions It


European Governments Are Cracking Down On The Press, Ordering Them To Cover-up War Facts


The US Military Buildup Around Israel Continues To Grow


Nuclear Carrier USS Eisenhower Shown Passing Into The Mediterranean Today


Readers are strongly encouraged to have emergency food, water, medicines they need to live on. Fueled-up vehicles, an electric generator to keep the refrigerator working if the power grid is attacked or goes down through some act of "Jihad", and spare fuel for that generator. Lastly, clean your guns, zero your sights, and make certain you have sufficient ammunition.

Israel BOMBS Oldest Christian Church in Gaza


Compelling Video Evidence Points To Israeli AIR BURST Bomb Striking Al-Ahli Hospital Grounds


Russia Begins Scrambling/Jamming US Drone Signals


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66567d No.386063

File: 854635e1bddc5eb⋯.png (118.68 KB,1381x703,1381:703,Picsart_23_10_17_10_09_25_….png)


Fee free to spell TRAFFIC for us, SMART GUY

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66567d No.386064

File: 0807b79ba289347⋯.png (45.86 KB,980x482,490:241,Picsart_23_10_17_10_09_39_….png)



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0e57bc No.386071

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000125

39% Of All American Adults Believe We Are Living In The End Times


“It’s totally contradictory,” said Chima. “One hand [India] is boasting about how digitised our systems are and telling the world to follow us, and on the other they are imposing frequent internet blackouts so none of these digital systems can work, impacting millions of people and costing millions of dollars.”


MY COMMENT: This is exactly what kind of control methods crooked governments want over the population! That's why people must be well prepared and ready for internet shutdowns and/or blackouts! If governments get their desired CBDCs to replace cash, this kind of shit is going to pulled all the time in order to control and subjugate undesirable people and rebellious communities!!!

By The Year 2030, China Will Have Doubled It's Nuclear Arsenal


China has developed an arsenal of more than 500 operational nuclear warheads and is set to double that number by the end of the decade, exceeding previous Pentagon estimates, according to a Defense Department report.

MY COMMENT: Why isn't the US doing the same!? Why have we spent trillions on wars with absolutely nothing to show for it!? Seems like they want America to be defenseless with military supplies drained!!! Why could that be?

State-run Propaganda Article: They Really Do Fear War Truth Being Exposed!


MY COMMENT: The old Twitter sucked, there was nothing of value because all the important information was blocked and censored! Like Drudge Report, the only thing you could use it for was to see whatever narratives the State was recently pushing!

UK Is Fucked As Pro-WEF Pro-Davos Bolsheviks Take Sweeping Control Of Government


US Diverts Ammunition For Ukraine To Israel In Yet Another Blow To Zelensky


Media Silent: Whistleblowers Claim CIA Recruited Hijackers For 9/11 False Flag, Hid It From FBI


MY COMMENT: Who told NORAD to stand down that day!?

Do Not Forget That Israel Too Relies On False Flag Operations For Justifying Brutal War


The Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.

Everything is ready. Everything is known. All armies are at their forward positions. Everybody is waiting for the start. When it starts, it is going to develop fast. Use this time to rest. There is nothing any of us can do anymore. It is regrettable what is going to happen, but it was a collective decision of many humans.


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0e57bc No.386072


Look it up for yourself but I can swear I've seen it spelled that way before! As in child trafficking. Even the spell check does not correct me on this. If I were wrong, it likely would have flagged a misspell!

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