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2a5f9e No.386039

Bluntly: We see no reason to go up against Most of the Middle East for the Jewish State, when we are better served by dropping the Jews and Playing the Shia/Sunni Divide to our advantage and also by weakening KSA by supporting Egypt Jordan Iraq Yemen and Iran.

That ensures us access to 1/3 of the ME OIL at any given time 'worse case' and can ensure all or most of it is denominated in DOLLARS … thus staving off the collapse of the petro dollar. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ymdUCfTrCqmh/

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12391c No.386042


Don't worry, most Americans are now completely and utterly fed up. We are not going to be fighting their wars. Inb4 another massive 60s/70s-style anti-war protests and millions dodging the draft again.

US Military Struggles With Recruitment, No One Wants To Fight Endless 'Woke' Wars For Profit, Plus All The VA Corruption!


New political, military and governmental leadership is needed to avoid the collapse of superpower status! The American people are fed up.

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