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File: 7bdd2ef4c16864b⋯.png (765.68 KB,1058x762,529:381,16_Year_Plan_To_Destroy_Th….png)

93de8e No.386002

Albert Pike's 1871 Letter Advocating Three Word Wars To Create Totalitarian New World Order


The goal is to bring back feudalism with a very rich overlord class ruling over everyone else!

All Wars Are Bankers Wars Documentary by Michael Rivero


Ukraine Debuts US-Supplied ATACMS Missiles Against Russia


Putin Is Bringing The Nuke Briefcase Everywhere He Goes


Saudis Issue Urgent Warning To Leave Lebanon Immediately As US Embassy In Beirut Evacuates


Israel DELETES Video They Claimed Showed An Islamic Jihad Rocket Hit Hospital


Large Portion of Americans Doubt The Big Democracy Lie, View Violence As Acceptable


Homelessness On The Rise In The USSA




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93de8e No.386003

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-115


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-115


All 115 End Times News updates in one.

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af729c No.386005

File: 7e4e75a8dc53067⋯.png (193.15 KB,2035x852,2035:852,Picsart_23_10_17_10_09_05_….png)


right?….. traffick

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af729c No.386006



T R A F F I C K ! !

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af729c No.386007


dude … I've seen you misspell the word TRAFFIC many times in here

So don't try to pretend it was just an accidental typo on your part


your brain struggles to remember words like YOU'RE and TRAFFIC

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3afe8d No.386018

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-115



Jews for Peace Take Over US Capitol Building Protesting Endless War


The Israel's army has completed all preparations for the invasion of Gaza, Israeli Broadcasting Authority says, Al Arabiya reports.


US Vetoes UN Security Resolution Calling For Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza


Putin Gives The US A Tap On The Shoulder Over Middle East Aircraft Carriers


Putin reminded the world that Russian Aerospace Forces, specifically their MiG-31 aircraft, on routine patrol in the neutral air space of the Black Sea, are armed with Kinzal hypersonic missiles. Those missiles, he said, have a "known" range of 1,000km and travel at Mach 9 (6,750 MPH). Thus, they can reach those US Aircraft Carriers.

The Israel-Hamas conflict could spark a "nuclear war" if Iran races to build the bomb, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer has warned.


Other Communists Follow The Same Lawfare Playbook As Democrats Do In The USSA


They know people hate them so they can't win fair elections, they must lock their opponents up and rig elections to win!

Not a week goes by without Democrats weaponizing the federal government to silence their political opponents — and Monday’s court-mandated gag order on former President Donald Trump is no different.


Elon Musk Correctly Predicted Leftist Governments Would Try To Censor George Orwell


The British government recently considered his book predicting a future totalitarian dystopia subversive.

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3afe8d No.386025

Remember that 1980s movie series "Back To The Future" which depicted a high-tech utopia? The year depicted was 2023! Look around you! No flying cars. Today they want cars banned! No high-tech robust buildings. Today we have crumbling infrastructure!


The longest period of low growth in our history is also characterized by the expansion of the regulatory state. Corporate consolidation skyrocketed in the same period. In 1970, the top four companies in any given industry made up on average 20 percent of the market share. Today, the top four companies in any given industry control roughly 80 percent. Regulatory monopolies create single points from which special interests can control whole markets and enrich the wealthiest people.

Soros-Funded DA Gets Carjacked As Blue States IMPLODE!


Trudeau Liberals votes down bill seeking to stop euthanasia of mentally ill Canadians.


These are the same people who say they hate fascists?

“Second Nuremberg” Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Who Sought To Hold COVID Bioweapon Culprits Accountable Arrested By Germany


Fuellmich is leading the "Second Nuremberg" project to hold the purveyors behind the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" and its associated "vaccines" responsible for their crimes against humanity, making him an enemy of the state.

Massive US Ammunition Plant In Nebraska Bombed, Industrial Sabotage!


The Hornady Manufacturing plant located near Grand Island blew up on October 13, killing one woman and injuring two men.

Russian Troops Captured US M2 Bradley Tank, They Will Reverse Engineer It


MY COMMENT: Those fucking Russians LOL! This is one STRANGE STORY. National Bolshevik party member and previous draft dodger who is an admitted fan of US President Joe Biden registers with the Russian military to fight in Ukraine and his battalion ends up capturing a US armored tank. He ends up getting a medal for being the only one in his battalion not to have been shot. He is retiring from service soon and plans to write an anti-war book exposing the dangers and misery of war.

Rescue Operation Underway After Residential Building Attack In Gaza


22 Years In Prison Is Not Long Enough For Thought Crimes: DOJ Appeals To Give The Proud Boys EVEN LONGER SENTENCES


Total tyranny and weaponization of government!

Who keeps punching all these satan worshiping celebrities and politicians in the eye!?


What if they are not being punched in the eye and it is something much more sinister?

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