End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-115
Jews for Peace Take Over US Capitol Building Protesting Endless War
The Israel's army has completed all preparations for the invasion of Gaza, Israeli Broadcasting Authority says, Al Arabiya reports.
US Vetoes UN Security Resolution Calling For Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza
Putin Gives The US A Tap On The Shoulder Over Middle East Aircraft Carriers
Putin reminded the world that Russian Aerospace Forces, specifically their MiG-31 aircraft, on routine patrol in the neutral air space of the Black Sea, are armed with Kinzal hypersonic missiles. Those missiles, he said, have a "known" range of 1,000km and travel at Mach 9 (6,750 MPH). Thus, they can reach those US Aircraft Carriers.
The Israel-Hamas conflict could spark a "nuclear war" if Iran races to build the bomb, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer has warned.
Other Communists Follow The Same Lawfare Playbook As Democrats Do In The USSA
They know people hate them so they can't win fair elections, they must lock their opponents up and rig elections to win!
Not a week goes by without Democrats weaponizing the federal government to silence their political opponents — and Monday’s court-mandated gag order on former President Donald Trump is no different.
Elon Musk Correctly Predicted Leftist Governments Would Try To Censor George Orwell
The British government recently considered his book predicting a future totalitarian dystopia subversive.