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File: 7fd52dbbebc0215⋯.png (107.29 KB,348x264,29:22,2023_10_14_22_12_4.png)

a86b66 No.385810

farted in public for the glory of the glare?!

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f64148 No.385851

File: da605d440211385⋯.png (988.03 KB,958x1044,479:522,Screenshot_20231015_060208….png)



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62b9d5 No.385852

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000104

An Economic Worst-Case Scenario For The Israeli-Palestine War


Americans Remain Stuck In Gaza As Evacuation Deal Falters


100 Fortified Bulldozers Will Lead Israeli Invasion of Gaza


Massive Bomb Hits Gaza, Death Tally Unknown


At Least 12 Journalists Have Been Killed In Gaza


9 More Hostages Killed In Gaza Strikes


Democrats Want To Allow 1 Million War-torn Palestinians Into Our Country


Probably not the best idea just because many of them hate our guts and rightly so.

Russia's UN Ambassador Calls For Ceasefire In Israel-Gaza Conflict


MY COMMENT: I stand by Jim Willie's recent alert no matter how kooky he may sound!! I think Jim is SPOT ON. The news is starting to prove it! This conflict was staged by the US and Israel, not only to takeover Gaza and expand territory (that's just the icing on the cake), it was to grab & extract valuable resources within the Gaza strip, but most of all it was to throw the Middle East into another major war! The MIC (military industrial complex) gets to profit from it, so they are happy, the US and Israel get to undermine the alternative BRICS trade union and halt China's One Belt One Road project, and OPEC+ will face wars that destabilize their oil dominance and thus their entire economies! A very strategic move. All of that, AND they can mass murder those they hate, and maybe if we allow them to heck, draft undesirables into their wars. After all, you cannot easily compete with a corrupt evil Empire if endless war is right in your own backyard and you have to engage in it or defend yourself. Deliberate destabilization is what the Empire of Lies does best!

Jim Willie's Take On The False Flag Israel-Gaza War, Global Economic Warfare & Criminal Conspiracy To Upend BRICS Trade


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62051c No.386700

The glare is everything. How DARE you fart near me!!!

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