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File: 769d3c00cc0f059⋯.jpg (164.41 KB,834x537,278:179,End_Times_News_16.jpg)

2d525e No.385789

FACT 1: All wars are bankster wars! Nearly all wars have to do with economics and control of resources: including for oil, narco money and maintaining reserve currency status!

FACT 2: US & Israel set up a false flag terrorist operation by covertly arming & then allowing Hamas terrorists to kill Israelis. Israelis were used as collateral damage, and so are Palestinians! THIS IS NOT JUST ABOUT TAKING OVER GAZA!!! No no no, this is much more ugly! This is about gaining vast amounts of underground valuable resources beneath the Gaza strip, as well provoking other Eastern nations into war!!! WHY? To sabotage the BRICS trade union and undermine OPEC+ deals with Russia and China!!!

FACT 3: This gets scarier. Sleeper cells have been set up waiting to be activated across the US by foreign adversaries via the OPEN BORDERS between US & Mexico. Upon demand, these sleeper cells are ready to cause mass murder, industrial sabotage, looting and havoc all over the continental United States!! Purpose: Davos & WEF global "Great Reset" to collapse & subjugate the United States population!!! HIGH TREASON.

FACT 4: It gets worse. The public is not being told this. Behind the scenes a kinetic deadly civil war has already taken place between factions of the US government & US military. Americans are being kept in the dark!! Assassination teams have been deployed from various sides, as well as other forms of sabotage.

Impending Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War & Sabotaging BRICS & OPEC+


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e0773d No.385790



Go ask your family to keep wiping your ass, you broke worthless bitch

By the way, you named ZERO FACTS

You don't have anything to back up any of your idiotic stupid claims

But you never have

You just always desperate to overcompensate for your lack of success, always wanting people to perceive you as being "intelligent"

you're not stupid

But you're definitely not intelligent

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e0773d No.385791



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e0773d No.385792


LOL @ you thinking you're smart

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2d525e No.385836

BRICS Nations Scramble To Come Up With Israeli-Palestine Peace Plan To Stabilize Middle East


Impending Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War & Sabotaging BRICS & OPEC+


US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel


Egypt Reinforces Army On Border With Gaza As Israel Continues Attacks


US Military Agrees To Intercept Hezbollah Missiles


Israeli Defense Force Threatens To Attack ANYONE Against Israel In The Middle East




Massive Anti-war Protests Hit London


Some Palestinians Flee For Their Lives To Beat Israel's Exodus Deadline, Others Decide To Die With Dignity


Genocide In Gaza Will Be Hard To Stomach Admits Mass Murderers


Hamas Claims 26 Hostages Died From Israeli Airstrikes, Including Foreigners, After IDF Finds Several Bodies


Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrests Resulting In DEATH Spiked 30% After COVID “Vaccine” Clot Shots Unleashed


Clot Shot Jab-induced Senseless VIOLENCE And RAGE Spreads To All Major American Cities


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2d525e No.385865

Russia's UN Ambassador Calls For Ceasefire In Israel-Gaza Conflict


MY COMMENT: I stand by Jim Willie's recent alert no matter how kooky he may sound!! I think Jim is SPOT ON. The news is starting to prove it! This conflict was staged by the US and Israel, not only to takeover Gaza and expand territory (that's just the icing on the cake), it was to grab & extract valuable resources within the Gaza strip, but most of all it was to throw the Middle East into another major war! The MIC (military industrial complex) gets to profit from it, so they are happy, the US and Israel get to undermine the alternative BRICS trade union and halt China's One Belt One Road project, and OPEC+ will face wars that destabilize their oil dominance and thus their entire economies! A very strategic move. All of that, AND they can mass murder those they hate, and maybe if we allow them to heck, draft undesirables into their wars. After all, you cannot easily compete with a corrupt evil Empire if endless war is right in your own backyard and you have to engage in it or defend yourself. Deliberate destabilization is what the Empire of Lies does best!

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d1c3f8 No.385934

The din of war drums beating hasn’t completely drowned out the barrage of lying bullshit issued by US Deep State blobsters in their effort to keep reality at bay from a citizenry gone restive and aggrieved over the seemingly deliberate ruination of our country by the people who run it.


Florida Medical Kidnapping Trial Exposes Medical Tyranny and Pediatricians Who Traffick Children


Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi To Meet, Negotiate More Trade Deals, Etc.



Israel Asks US Congress For $10 Billion For Weapons


Iran Issuing More Threats


Israel Response To Hamas False Flag Terror Attack, IDF Stand Down Is Causing Lots Of Pissy Fits


Democrat-run Shithole States Face Major Economic Crisis


Turn your States into shitholes, watch residents and businesses leave!

British Ministry Of Bullshit Tries To Cancel Orwell Because It Exposes How They Operate


American Hero - Donald J. Trump - Willing To Risk Prison To Save America From Collapsing Under Despotism


MY COMMENT: He wins, or over half of America is defecting and this nation will face anarchy and balkanization like the USSR did before it collapsed.

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3b98dc No.385950

File: bba1c9f7f8e3317⋯.png (632.61 KB,666x1112,333:556,aa393b95_c33e_4ae8_a835_9c….png)


> All wars are bankster wars!

Yes. True.

But you didn't link to anything stupendously mindblowing from which I might educate myself and learn something applicable from History — so I Will…

I think EVERYONE could learn something from watching this Fantastic Documentary —it's really a MUST WATCH!

All Wars Are Bankers Wars Documentary by Michael Rivero


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d1c3f8 No.385951

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000112

Spanish Government Minister Demands Israeli PM Netanyahu Face War Crimes Charges for Retaliation Against Gaza


Israel and Colombia In Diplomatic Spat Over Gaza Conflict


500+ Casualties After Israel Bombs Hospital In Gaza City


Up To 15 Red Cross & UNWRA Medical Staff Killed By Gaza Strike



US Neo-con Psycho War Hawks Risk Getting America Into War With Iran, Syria and Lebanon


While they anger Russia and China and the ever growing BRICS trade bloc.

Gaza Open Air Prison Hellscape Is A PILOT PROGRAM For Enslaving Us All


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d1c3f8 No.385956


Will post link in next update, thanks Jerry!

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3b98dc No.385958

File: 9d9418adb7642bf⋯.gif (1.97 MB,720x379,720:379,m9Xyrj4.gif)


No, he doesn't exactly "name the joo".

But he doesn't have to, and everybody knows that nobody's allowed to.

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186516 No.385990

anti-slide 4

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8862f3 No.386047

File: 10a4c29892b2828⋯.gif (808.41 KB,300x300,1:1,LAGifathon13.gif)


Pro Slide Number 1.

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903ac1 No.386049

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000122

Boycott Tyson Foods! US Meat Producer To Focus on Insects and Bugs Instead After Partnering With WEF



MY COMMENT: Support local farmers markets, make contacts and get to know your local food producers already! Have a good stockup of real food and rotate it frequently too! I mark all my food products by date so I know which ones are older to eat. I once heard Goya is a pretty reputable Mexican brand, no bullshit fake food plus they supported Trump when he was president.

Dirty Protest: Freedom Farmer Showers Crown Court With FIVE TONS Of Dirt


Control freak tyrants hate local food producers.

Alex Jones: The Deep State Is Preparing More False Flags To Enslave Us


Iranian-Backed Houthi Militants Fire Missiles At US Navy Destroyer Off Coast Of Yemen


US Military Base In Iraq Hit With Rockets, Drones


President of Malaysia Blames Israel For False Flag Attacks, Hospital Bombing


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited Israeli Troops outside Gaza today, and told them directly "The order (to invade) will soon be given." This comes as Hezbollah reveals they have destroyed ten Merkava Tanks in the north, so far.


Knowing full well what's coming, the US, UK, Canada, France, Australia, Sweden and Germany have told their citizens to leave Lebanon. So this situation is getting worse by the hour.

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b30bce No.387023

bumping forbidden news in an empire of lies

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