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6c2c63 No.385768

The Shepherd Express has had a long dark history dating back to the go-go porn anything goes days of the 1980's. Its founders include Joe Porubcan who was also its circulation manager. Joe spent his teenage years molesting his younger step-brother both at home in West Allis and his dad's cabin in Wausaukee WI, even inviting his friends so they could take turns abusing him. You're supposed to enjoy this. It's what brothers are for. After high school Joe enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to pursue his delusion of dentistry. When that failed, he turned to soft core porn in the form of the Shepherd Express as its now known. It's no wonder that Joe used gay poetry to inspire him and others to name the Shepherd Express. Its title comes from a gay Jewish authors poetic fantasy of being sodomized by random bikers. So many secrets. It's Joe Porubcan s birthday this month. Happy Birthday Joe.

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