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File: f70b911849be1b0⋯.jpg (681.25 KB,4000x3000,4:3,f70b911849be1b04889390f6ab….jpg)

1b8fc2 No.385762


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6a20ba No.385770


MY COMMENT: What Does It Mean is an open source intelligence site ran by Russian Orthodox Christian nuns! They are allowed to see non-critical classified information from the Kremlin to write their stories about events happening around the world, but on a need-to-know basis only so citizens around the world can keep informed about what they are not being told by their own governments. Of-course the Kremlin only allows them to see partial classified info from heavily redacted documents, as an interest to Russian national security and to keep surveillance operations under wrap. It's a legit open intelligence news site. I find it fascinating! You may not agree with all of it but the info is ROCK SOLID.

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bbbe9b No.385793

File: 1043e03462d44d1⋯.jpg (674.1 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_22_07_28_15_31_17_….jpg)

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