An important take away from this talk:
The time of this three card Monty charade
is coming to an end.
Imagine a world in which #Whites are openly proud of
our majority in our own lands.
Imagine a world in which Whites are frugal, honest,
loyal and honorable.
Imagine a world in which Whites are immune to your
commie talk about hate speech.
Imagine a world in which The West is free of #PC, and is
hard at word rebuilding its identity.
Imagine a world in which Whites work loyally towards
the common Good.
Imagine a world in which Whites make money work for
us rather us working for money.
Imagine a world in which Whites have stable families in
homes around hearths passing on heritage.
Imagine a world in which Whites have zero tolerance
for white guilt and its lies.
Imagine a world in which Whites first sole and only
concern was their common good.
Imagine a world in which Whites are immune to
#antiwhite slurs like nazi & racist.
Imagine a world in which Whites in (insert your nation) don't go to jail for saying their mind.
Imagine a world #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Family
#Community #Nation #White
With that:
Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our
Nation first and only–Since no border no real country
or nation or identity – false BS about humanity is a lie.
No Border! No White America.
A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders
of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER
POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free
WHITE and over 21 baby. That is a fact children. Thank
God, Said John Jay, that we have ONE culture and
language to bind us – that they were 90% British
Subjects surely helped.
#BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll
#DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain
#StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #WhiteRights
#WhiteCulture and #WhiteHistory. #DefendEurope
#DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState
#MAGA #AmericaFirst #DeportThemAll
#IllegalAliens #AltRight