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File: 910972c6eb70716⋯.png (418.36 KB,482x500,241:250,End_Times_News_5.png)

18d7bf No.385285

NATO Web Site Op-Ed Calls For "Limited" Nuclear War!


MY COMMENT: This is suicidal stupidity and arrogance at it's finest! There is NO SUCH THING as a "limited" nuclear war. Once one nuke is deployed against one country, other nukes will start flying off to annihilate adversaries all over the globe! Life as we know it would be changed forever! No going back. EMPs would knock out the internet and the entire power grid, and we'd be going back to the STONE AGE!!! Might as well prep those pistols to blow your miserable brain out your thick skulls at that point because all the modern luxuries we take for granted in a semi-civilized modern society would be GONE!!!

71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


US politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders.

A disturbing expose shows how the US federal government is supporting the world’s biggest child trafficking ring with a steady stream of migrant children.


What’s wrong with the federal government spending enormous amounts of money that it doesn’t have? Giving money to drunken sailors is not a good idea. Giving money to tyrants is an even worse idea. Enriching government apparatchiks allow them to create all sorts of ways to strip you of your civil liberties, such as banning basic appliances, making you buy things you don't want as opposed to things you really need and forcing you to be injected with experimental drugs in violation of the Nuremberg Treaty. Not to mention the illegal censorship and constant surveillance of upset citizens. The more money they have, the more trouble they cause.


People get confused about what inflation is. Inflation is devaluation of the currency. The United States doesn’t “just print money” as many suggest. It sells bonds. In a vast, growing and vibrant economy selling bonds to finance the government is not in and of itself bad. What’s bad is government waste and how counterproductive it is to growth. Government spending does not stimulate the economy. Indeed, in many instances the economy would be better off if the government borrowed money and then created a huge bonfire and burned it all on Pennsylvania Avenue. That’s because much of government spending creates perverse incentives. The more money the government takes, the less there is for the private sector; over regulation and perverse incentives mushroom until the economy cannot keep up with all the borrowing. The government’s access to the private sectors’ hard-earned money is an aphrodisiac. It can’t stop spending. Sooner or later, it always happens, the government devalues the currency and then it is goodbye America and hello Venezuela.


It's All Coming Down!


Welcome to Fedworld where most market decisions are nothing but bets on what the Fed will be doing next with its free money for millionaires.

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411ade No.385286



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411ade No.385287


"MY SON"……


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411ade No.385288


I find it hard to believe you were able to have intercourse with your daughter

Because number one, you've never been able to achieve much of an erection

Number two, you were never sexually attracted to your wife, or any other woman for that matter

Number three, you prefer men

And most importantly:

Your daughter has always been a fat ugly little pig

I don't think you were able to achieve an erection for your daughter

I'm convinced you just used your fingers and inserted foreign objects into her


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411ade No.385289


You thought you were going to appear intelligent by copying and pasting the wordapparatchik

But you don't appear intelligent

You appear stupid as shit

A stupid little old man

Too stupid to complete high school

Who struggles with one syllable words

Who never had a career

Because you weren't educated

So you had to settle for the bottom of the barrel

A low class uneducated low IQ blue collar white trash menial laborer who never amounted to anything


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411ade No.385290

File: c349c1807d9cf21⋯.png (851.85 KB,1080x1120,27:28,Picsart_23_10_05_14_35_58_….png)


You didn't have strong enough sperm to create a son

You weren't man enough to produce a son

The only thing your soft little flaccid penis was capable of creating was a fat ugly little pig daughter

And after you abused your wife into killing herself, you began molesting your little fat pig

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411ade No.385296


My son, did your daughter orgasm when you were molesting her?

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411ade No.385297


PROPHECY: My son, please tell me you know how to make a woman orgasm… I'm certain you learn how to make an 8-year-old daughter orgasm, right?

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26aa43 No.385301

The Collapse In Treasury Bond Demand Now Ranks Among Worst Market Crashes In US History


Bloomberg reported losses on Treasury bond with maturities of 10 years or more had notched 46% since March 2020, while the 30-year bond had plunged 53%.

FBI Ignores Growing Violent City Crime Rates, Focuses On Disgruntled American Civilians Instead


More political bias in law enforcement!

Biden's DHS To Let Another 200,000 Invaders Fly Directly Into American Cities


Not one city to be immune from deliberate destabilization.

Fake-Pope Vatican Satanist Francis Blames American Lifestyle For Natural & Govt Geo-engineered Disasters


How dare you plebs be able to provide food on the table and a roof over your heads!

LOL! Apparently Kevin McCarthy’s Ouster Is Putin’s Fault


American Life Expectancy Is Crashing, The American Empire Is OVER


Debt, weapons, drugs and alcohol has largely replaced the American GDP.



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411ade No.385303


Inquiring minds want to know :

Did you ever do your daughter up the ass, or was it just vaginal and oral?

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411ade No.385304



My son, I think you fucked your daughter in the ass.. no matter how many times you insist she just gave you head

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411ade No.385305


Everybody knows you could barely maintain an erection for your poor wife before you force her into killing herself

So just be honest with us…..

Did your daughter make you orgasm faster than your wife?

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411ade No.385306


Now that I know you molested your 8-year-old fat pig daughter, if I ever met you in person, I would probably end up going to jail

I would have a hard time not breaking your jaw

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411ade No.385307


I was going to ask you how long your daughter had the weight problem, then I realized she was always a fat ugly little pig

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411ade No.385308


I'm pretty certain your little pig girl got diabetes, because she learned how to eat from you

You've always eaten the worst diet

White trash rednecks don't know good food from garbage

You've never been to a five-star restaurant in your life

You probably think Golden corral is high class

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411ade No.385309



PROPHECY: My Son, you Deliberately Destabilized your family by being an uneducated broke alcoholic who molested his own daughter and abused your wife because YOU NEVER HAD THE BALLS TO PUNCH ANOTHER MAN

you punch women & rape children, but you don't have the balls to fight a MAN

you're a bitch

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b99e37 No.385318



Never happened, you are just a liar.

Bumping actual news.

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b99e37 No.385319

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000081

The Collapse In Treasury Bond Demand Now Ranks Among Worst Market Crashes In US History


Bloomberg reported losses on Treasury bond with maturities of 10 years or more had notched 46% since March 2020, while the 30-year bond had plunged 53%.

FBI Ignores Growing Violent City Crime Rates, Focuses On Disgruntled American Civilians Instead


More political bias in law enforcement!

Biden's DHS To Let Another 200,000 Invaders Fly Directly Into American Cities


Not one city to be immune from deliberate destabilization.

Fake-Pope Vatican Satanist Francis Blames American Lifestyle For Natural & Govt Geo-engineered Disasters


How dare you plebs be able to provide food on the table and a roof over your heads!

LOL! Apparently Kevin McCarthy’s Ouster Is Putin’s Fault


American Life Expectancy Is Crashing, The American Empire Is OVER


Debt, weapons, drugs and alcohol has largely replaced the American GDP.



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4ab833 No.385344

Good! Fifth Circuit Tells Federal Government To SHUT DOWN Their Online Censorship Regime!


The court’s opinion comes in the landmark free speech case in the digital era, Missouri v. Biden. Before the litigation landed in appellate court, Louisiana District Judge Terry A. Doughty declared in a fitting Independence Day ruling that federal authorities from the Biden White House to the FBI and CDC had likely engaged in “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Biden To Fund Ukraine Without Congress Via State Department Money


Hillary Clinton Is Scared Some Americans Favor Russia’s Resistance To The Empire of Lies


"Honestly, I don't understand any American siding with [Russian President] Putin, but we have seen it, and we have heard it, and we have to fight against it" PBS quoted her as saying.

Eleven Activists Arrested Outside Bernie Sanders Office After Demanding End To Ukraine Conflict


Trump Ousted From Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest Americans Due To Theft, Political Lawfare


Congressional Approval Hits All Time Low, Under 20%


71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


MY COMMENT: Prepping for the worst was the right thing to do. Absolutely no regrets.

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