You can't fight
You don't know how to fight
Nobody cares about your little disruptive temper tantrums and threats of self-harm… That might have worked with your mother many years ago, but even she laughs at you now
You don't know how to fight
You can't defend yourself
So even a 13-year-old girl could beat you within an inch of your life, and you wouldn't have the balls to do anything about it
Little do you realize how repellent you truly are, and how much other people hate you
They don't even need to talk to you
They can just look at you, and instantly recognize you are one of the creepiest most uncomfortable humans on earth
Intelligent people glance at you, laugh at you, and continue on with their daily lives
Unfortunately for you, intelligent people are the minority
But the average idiot human being is a little bit more of a reactionary than an intelligent person
The average person thinks impulsively
The average person will act without thinking, and just start punching you in the face