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File: 32fb73300d4cccb⋯.png (6.44 KB,519x73,519:73,000000000.png)

4c8874 No.385194

MY COMMENT: So my flip phone was on all day long today. NO, I did not receive any emergency alert from FEMA like I was earlier expecting. Now there is a rumor going around, some other like-minded folks, like myself, also DID NOT receive an emergency alert either and some of them even have smartphones! I was later alerted online by someone who proclaims to be in know the know that those who did not receive the emergency FEMA transmission were marked for extermination by aerial drone once WWIII kicks off!! So yah, I guess my sacrifice was finally worth it! I told the truth and I'll eventually be KILLED for doing so.

Jesse Ventura was way ahead of his time when he fled to Mexico after they started making those drones!

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f76e20 No.385200



So… you can't afford real high speed internet or a decent phone, but now suddenly you're "SO IMPORTANT", that they've scheduled a drone attack on you?


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f76e20 No.385201

File: 1f2a052beb40440⋯.mp4 (13.35 MB,1066x480,533:240,killcens_insane_.mp4)


The funniest part is you're not intelligent enough to realize that how insane you actually are

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f76e20 No.385202

File: a049391adae0f7b⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB,1066x480,533:240,stupid_.mp4)

Or should I say you're not crazy enough to realize how stupid you truly are?

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f76e20 No.385203

File: aeee5716d54874d⋯.mp4 (12.3 MB,622x360,311:180,killcens_nuts_.mp4)


It's strange that you consider yourself to be "one of a kind"…

When in all actuality, you are just one of several million stupid as fuck idiots out there, with no real knowledge, no education, no legitimate facts or figures, and no way to verify any of your idiotic cookie cutter conspiracy theories

You are literally a parody of a conspiracy theorist

There's absolutely nothing original or new or different about you

Conspiracy theorists used to be rare, but now it's become a mainstream fad, just like Facebook marketplace

It's become a trailer park meme

And you actually thought you stood out from the rest of the crowd?

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f76e20 No.385204


At least the other 31 million uneducated conspiracy theorist idiots out there use Facebook, and they have an audience of thousands of people


You've flushed your life down the toilet of an empty image board with less than two readers, including yourself

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f76e20 No.385205


You pride yourself on being a revelator, the dynamic powerful Noah 2.0, who has exposed the world to the secret "hidden agenda"…

AGAIN: on this website, there areless than TWO readers, including yourself

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f76e20 No.385206


If conspiracy theorist success was gauged on coverage, you would be THE LEAST SUCCESSFUL conspiracy theorist in history

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f76e20 No.385207


Let's just be real…

You would find a bigger audience under a bridge somewhere

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