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File: 0718ce658007f5c⋯.jpg (724.36 KB,2048x3072,2:3,Picsart_23_10_04_18_22_20_….jpg)

7fe280 No.385193

No need to live in fear of tomorrow

Because I've got it under control

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5a9d4b No.385195

File: 32fb73300d4cccb⋯.png (6.44 KB,519x73,519:73,000000000.png)

MY COMMENT: So my flip phone was on all day long today. NO, I did not receive any emergency alert from FEMA like I was earlier expecting. Now there is a rumor going around, some other like-minded folks, like myself, also DID NOT receive an emergency alert either and some of them even have smartphones! I was later alerted online by someone who proclaims to be in know the know that those who did not receive the emergency FEMA transmission were marked for extermination by aerial drone once WWIII kicks off!! So yah, I guess my sacrifice was finally worth it! I told the truth and I'll eventually be KILLED for doing so.

Jesse Ventura was way ahead of his time when he fled to Mexico after they started making those drones!

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