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c33204 No.384861

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

“My son, I Am going to punish New York City. It is on My ‘hit list,’ My son. It is a very wicked place. It will be destroyed by nuclear bombs. Already they are there, ready to go off, hidden deep underground in caverns and tunnels. The enemy has put them there. They want it destroyed, My son. They will go off in a moment’s notice. Nobody knows the date or the time. In a moment’s notice it will be gone. Millions will be dead, evaporated in the conflagration of nuclear warheads. They are parked off the seashore, hidden in Russian submarines. I want it gone, My son. It is a wicked city, with crimes reaching the heavens. Its sins are galore, without number, reaching the heavens. I want it gone because My people refuse to repent, to do My will for life. It will be a thing of the past, forever gone, My son. Prepare for it, nuclear destruction. It will come in an instant. New York City will be forever gone. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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