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9cb651 No.384765

LOL KILLCEN doesn't know about the flooding in beautiful NYC

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9cb651 No.384766

Wendy and I are going to New York City on October 10th, on a business trip.

I love New York City and I hate New York City

It's the ultimate love-hate relationship.. if I didn't hate it so much I'd love it but if I didn't love it so much, I probably end up hating it so it's a wash

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9cb651 No.384767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's a wash…….

Killcen would LOVE Manhattan

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bcb3d3 No.384771


Second to last report on End Times News update version 1 edition 0.00000000072:

New York City Turns From Shithole To Flooded Sewer


Honestly, it's not all that important in the bigger picture. New York City was a shithole for a long time and the flood didn't change very much.

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