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1b2071 No.384726

Reported the scumbag CP posting faggot

I don't even care if he's not in the United States… I reported him to the FBI anyway…

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1b2071 No.384727

Trust me….

I'll report your ass every time, dude

you can count on it

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1b2071 No.384728

I don't give a fuck if they arrest you or not, because that's not my job. I'm not a law enforcement officer…

I'm just a father and an American citizen, and as such, you can guarantee I will report your ass to federal law enforcement every motherfucking time I see it

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1b2071 No.384729

So I'm not saying "you're going to be arrested"…

I have no idea what will happen to you when all the dust settles…

But at least for the time being, there's one thing I certainly CAN guarantee:

I fucking guarantee you're going to be monitored from now on

I guarantee they know about your child pornography threads. They have the URL

I gave it to them

So you can consider yourself in the crosshairs of law enforcement

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