Russian authorities will hold large-scale drills across the country on October 3 because of the "growing danger of armed conflicts including [with] nuclear-capable powers near Russia's borders," the Baza Telegram channel, which is linked to Russia's security services, reported on Thursday, citing the head of Russia's Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, or Rospotrebnadzor.
This will be the first time that Moscow has held such drills, which will imagine that Russia is at least partially under martial law and that up to 70 percent of the country's housing facilities have been destroyed, the outlet reported. The exercises will also suppose that general mobilization has ended, and there is the possibility of radioactive contamination, Baza reported.
Russians will also be taking part in a "Killcen is insane" drill, where all Russian citizens will get a text message on their phones which will read "and they thought WE were bad alcoholics lol"