End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000075
Philadelphia Journalist Who Mocked Concern Over Violent Crime In Democrat-run Cities Shot Dead In Home
Philly Police Seek Biker Who Stomped Out Back Window Of Sedan Where Two Innocent Children Sat
More US Retailers Are About To File Bankruptcy In The Next 12 Months
Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Focuses On Growing Rural Populations
We noted in August that the number of Americans searching "live off-grid" on the internet rose to the highest level in five years. We said at the time, "the driving force behind finding a rural piece of land for dirt cheap, buying or building a tiny home, installing solar panels, and sourcing your own food and water might have to do with the worst inflation storm in a generation while Democrat cities implode under the weight of soaring violent crime."
Elon Musk: We’re Running Out Of Conspiracy Theories That Didn’t Turn Out To Be True
Putin Orders First-Ever Nationwide Nuclear Drill, Prepares Bomb-Test At Arctic Circle
Russia's First Nationwide Nuclear Attack Drill Occurs Just One Day Before FEMA Nationwide Emergency Alert Here In America
MY COMMENT: This is no coincidence! I'm not saying something will absolutely unfold yet. However, at the very least, governments are getting ready to CULL the global populations with another World War which is likely to go nuclear! If it does, life on Earth will never be the same. I suspect they have this very well planned out to usher in a totalitarian global financial reset, as well have plans to enslave any survivors!! Prepare for SHTF defensive measures if so, and have plans to resist and fight any evil coming and get right with God!
Americans Should Learn About The History of Food Rationing In War-time America, And Prepare In Advance
Survivor of Bosnia Collapse Gives History Lesson on Prepping, Bartering & Trading
Trade when SHTF is a high-risk situation simply because it is about resources, and there is no law, no system. Everything else is a matter of trust and skills. It is most important that you understand when SHTF (for real) the system is out, and only thing that protect you from losing everything is you.