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292d32 No.384692

Real Pro-American Democrat - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Announces Plan To Run As Independent


Majority of Americans Fear There Will Never Be A Real Election Again Due To Mass Voter Fraud


The Racist Department of Injustice Doesn't Want White American Victims To Be Able To Defend Themselves


7,000 More American Auto Workers Go On Strike


MY COMMENT: This is going to destroy the US auto industry, we are going the way of Cuba where the only functional vehicles will be old and outdated, and need constant DIY maintenance and repair! In other words, America is going third world and long commuting will become a thing of the past so prepare accordingly!

An American City Bought Electric Buses… One Problem… Not Even One Of Them Are Operation Yet


You see, of the eight electric buses that Jackson officials proudly purchased to replace all of the area's diesel buses, a total of zero of them are actually functional. What is worse, the company that manufactured them, California-based Proterra, has since gone bankrupt, which means that Jackson and Teton County taxpayers got taken for a ride. For the brainless: that's how corrupt scams work!

18 Fake Conservative RINOs That Voted To Fund Marxist Subversion and Perversion of the US Military


MY COMMENT: Say forever goodbye to the conservative majority who once fought your endless wars! You idiots lost all trust with your former recruiter base.

Oh, A Second Debate Between RINOs and Neo-con Hackjobs? I Didn't Even Know About It Nor Do I Care!


Elon Musk Posts Hilarious Video Exposing Big Pharma and Dr Fauci’s Lies About Vaccine Efficacy and Safety


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992898 No.384764

bumping third world news

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9f5b76 No.384769

Now Biden Regime Decides To Ban Gas Furnaces In Latest War On Consumer Choice, Free Market



Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime


BRICS Nations Liquidating US Treasury Bond Holdings To Buy Up Gold & Silver For Global Financial Reset


Jim Willie: Are You Ready For Big Economic Shocks? (4 Part Series Of Dire Intel)





ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Faces Life In Prison For Child Rape


MY COMMENT: There is a reason the corrupt will always lie!

Russia To Hold First Nationwide Nuclear Attack Exercise In All 11 Time Zones


New York City Turns From Shithole To Flooded Sewer


The United States No Longer Exists As A Nation


Counting all US in-migration annually, half a million migrants are admitted via the CBP app, a new parole program will admit another half a million Venezuelans, another new program will allow 200k immigrants to fly directly to American cities to claim asylum, existing legal immigration is about 1 million, and there are about 2 million illegal border crossings. That adds up to over 4 million migrants annually, breaking all past records for border crossings and immigration. It would not be farfetched for 8 million migrants to arrive in 2024.

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37d826 No.384815

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000073

New York Faces Geo-engineering Warfare Apocalypse


MY COMMENT: If you are not a commie who lives in NYC and recently lost your home I do feel bad for you, it's probably best to move elsewhere at this point, move to greener pastures where there is far less corruption, less taxes and less crime. If you can't afford a new home consider an RV, which might be better because you can live mobile and bug-out anytime you need to. Lack of storage space would be the only downside.

One of the closest and most trusted Advisors to Russian President Vladimir Putin has formally told his boss that a "massive" use of nuclear weapons is necessary to actually "prevent" World War 3 and save humanity. He urges the complete destruction of the United Kingdom as a warning to others to stop.


Russia-China Partnership Defangs US Empire


Gaetz Announces Motion To Oust McCarthy After 'Deceitful' Ukraine Side-Deal


Slovakia May Stop Backing Ukraine War After Populist Election Win


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292d32 No.384831

anti-trust bump

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37d826 No.384884

Russian Debt: 16.7% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

European Debt: 84.36% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

American Debt: 122.8% of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

Russia: https://www.rt.com/business/583791-russia-state-debt-rising/

Europe: https://www.statista.com/statistics/253616/national-debt-of-the-eu-and-the-euro-area-in-relation-to-the-gdp/

America: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/united-states/government-debt--of-nominal-gdp

“Catastrophic Losses”: Ukrainian Cemeteries Shocked A Kyiv Political Scientist


“To listen to Ukrainian officials that we have minimal losses is not to respect yourself. The authorities could be more honest with their citizens, and not feed them fairy tales. Drive through populated areas, see cemeteries. How many more missing people do we have and what is the ratio of missing to dead?”

The fact that a deliberately-provoked war is being used as a giant field demo to show prospective buyers and investors how effective various weapons systems can be at ripping apart human bodies in order to profit from all this death and destruction is more nightmarish than anything any dystopian novelist has ever come up with. Ukraine is a giant advertisement for weapons of mass slaughter and the cost of that corporate ad is not money but human blood.


A special radio frequency being used so that Ukrainian soldiers can safely surrender to Russian forces is now chattering like never before. Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are opting to surrender to the Russian Army.


Westerners Will “Scream In Horror” When Deliberately-Provoked War Truth Is Known


MY COMMENT: Or maybe many will not care at all until their very own lives are at stake? Have you not noticed that so many Americans still blindly trust state-run propaganda campaigns which condone corruption and endless wars for profit? Do you not see Americans are becoming desensitized to the horrors happening all around them, as cities crumble and their currency slowly devalues into worthlessness? This is not the same country we had 40 years ago. 40 years ago average Americans would be shocked, they would be appalled, beyond just appalled, they would be taking to the streets in droves protesting and demanding the removal of corrupt leadership. Now, so it seems, everyone is staring off into an endless abyss of no return as they wait until their luck runs out like a pack of sitting ducks.

Homeless Pirates Are Marauding Through Crime-ridden San Francisco Bay, Houseboats Being Looted


Israeli Terrorist Corporation Is Getting Paid By Governments To Poison Food Supplies


The UN Is Paying Illegals To Invade The US And Who Pays The UN? The American Taxpayer Does.


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