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835f57 No.384653

: But so does the PUSH BACK! They hate us, fine; We just hate them back! https://bitchute.xyz/GhuhDmzgQb05 via @BitChute

So today we have a talk so we can talk; you stay free by acting free.

So where are we at?


"Can a man become a woman?"


"The fact that we live in conditions where this is posed

as a serious question is a clear indication that

civilization has collapsed to the point where nothing

short of a full-scale revolution to restore natural order

will suffice."

No one wants to talk about it but only untold

immeasurable amounts of sacrifice and suffering will

turn our circumstances around.

Scores will have to die. Mass incarcerations,

infrastructure and currency collapse, starvation, war

war and more war.

There's no way things return to a place of normalcy

without cataclysmic interruption and destruction first.

The War On White People is the most successful

bipartisan effort in the history of the United States of

America. … War On White People - that the GOP - do nothing

but facilitate.


The GOP can’t stop, slow down or deport any ILLEGAL

immigrants, but they can use tax dollars to ship them all

over the country to the cheers of their retarded voters

because “Libs owned!” as the entire nation turns into

Guatemala … this makes our number grow …

Want to know the other sort of stuff that recruits for



makes more Racists!

Fact is that every elected official -

refuses to acknowledge the War On White People, and

refuses to acknowledge the world's number one Anti-

White hate organization - the ADL - and its insane

power over American society.

What about that ADL?

ADL Espionage

[NOTE: I did not write this post - but it's an excellent

snapshot of the ADL's evil, so I wanted to share it here]

For over a decade, the ADL used undercover spies to

conduct a vast, coordinated, and potentially illegal

campaign of espionage against the John Birch Society.

John Birch Society (JBS), a hard-right

anticommunist org that was prominent in the 60s and


… trove of internal ADL documents from that time

period. …“a lengthy, multidimensional, and previously undisclosed

counterintelligence operation waged by the ADL to

infiltrate and dig up damaging information about” JBS,

spanning from 1959 to the 1970s - and involving

current and former US intelligence officials.

The ADL's spies - which included police officers,

accountants, religious leaders, journalists, and

members of civil society - used code names to pose as

Birchers, feeding intel back to the ADL.

The tactics they used to collect that intel were highly

secretive - and often extreme.

"Some of the ADL’s financial investigations, from using

third parties for credit checks to fishing for data about

individuals’ trusts, may even have been illegal," Dallek


But for the ADL, the ends "justified the morally

questionable means, which included outright spying."

ADL utilized a kind of protodoxxing:

Spies "searched for connections between the

society and respectable individuals and institutions, to

embarrass them into renouncing" JBS.

As a result, "Birchers… sometimes found their careers

in jeopardy."

This was carried out through the ADL's close

relationship with members of the media, which it

leveraged to threaten Birchers, derail JBS events, and

coordinate public pressure campaigns - an early version

of the advertiser boycotts the ADL uses against figures

like Elon Musk today.

One of the key figures in this operation was Isadore

Zack, a former counterespionage expert for the US


During WWII, Zack worked in "domestic intelligence" -

i.e. spying on other Americans - as detailed in this 2001

piece from a local paper:

After the war, Zack became director of "fact-finding and

public relations" for the ADL’s New England region,

overseeing "a cadre of ADL spies."

Under Zack's leadership, the ADL worked directly with

US intelligence agencies.

As Michael Shellenberger documents here, the group

has a long history of illegal espionage, extending well

into the modern era:

The point here isn't that you should agree with the

politics of the JBS - a group that was known for kooky,

fringe conspiracy theories - or any of the other groups

that the ADL has spied on.

The point is that in a free society, ideas should be

hashed out in the public square.

Since its inception, the ADL has sought to undermine

that principle, and has opted instead for the use of

subterfuge tactics against its ideological opponents.

It's not a "noble" organization that has simply lost its

way; it's been like this from the start.

#BanTheADL End #WhiteGenocide

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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