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File: 1d82d448b274e12⋯.png (1.18 MB,1160x1653,40:57,Picsart_23_09_24_15_07_17_….png)

24d0fb No.384559



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24d0fb No.384560

And they said a vote for Ross Perot was a "wasted vote" !!!

WOW !!!

killcen literally flushed his votes down the toilet, the same way he flushed his entire life down the toilet

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24d0fb No.384561

File: 2202933c4dd8d27⋯.jpg (38.98 KB,715x536,715:536,Picsart_23_09_13_20_30_56_….jpg)

File: a013b42d4210767⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,545x405,109:81,Picsart_23_09_13_20_30_34_….jpg)


the only thing more embarrassing than letting a nigger impregnate you

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6071ba No.384563

File: 6652b161c28caa8⋯.png (4.8 MB,1898x4590,949:2295,Screenshot_2023_09_28_at_2….png)




go lick Brianna Wu's castration wound and his husband's shitty asshole


> Featured on Sep 27, 2023 at 10:39 PM: Brianna Wu has finally admitted he is a tranny in Keffals's "private" Discord after 7 years of denying it publicly, confirming once and for all he is John Walker Flynt.

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6071ba No.384564

File: 6652b161c28caa8⋯.png (4.8 MB,1898x4590,949:2295,Screenshot_2023_09_28_at_2….png)




go lick Brianna Wu's castration wound and his husband's shitty asshole


> Featured on Sep 27, 2023 at 10:39 PM: Brianna Wu has finally admitted he is a tranny in Keffals's "private" Discord after 7 years of denying it publicly, confirming once and for all he is John Walker Flynt.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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