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794859 No.384538

Does this here song make you a bit misty?

It's Skeeter Davis on the Bobby Lord Show, recorded in 1965.

Most songs don't but I admit there are three that do.

One by Jimmie Rodgers called "Daddy and Home" and another by an old Missouri band called The Dillards sang by Maggie Peterson called "There Is A Time" and I reckon the best recording was when she was a young spring chicken in her 20s when she sang it on the Andy Griffith Show. I tried to rip myself the version from Bluegrass Heaven but no luck, for some reason the format encoding don't work.

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794859 No.384539

Can anyone find the FULL Desi Arnaz interview on the Mike Douglas Show that was recorded in 1970? I can only find partial clips from it. I got his interview from the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (the one featuring Bob Hope and Don Rickles). It seems Youtube is taking more stuff down recently, even older non-political videos and I figure it's good to get whatever you can now before all the good stuff is gone or before the government knocks out the internet.

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8fbc1a No.384540


thank you for demonstrating your lack of musical taste

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8fbc1a No.384541



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8fbc1a No.384542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does this hear song make you a bit misty?

Because Misty is a stupid fat bitch, and she's got paranoid schizophrenia

I thought maybe you had metamorphosized into Misty for a second

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8fbc1a No.384543


Cries while listening to shitty music…

This level of emotional instability is not surprising from you

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8fbc1a No.384544

HINT: You're not crying because of the music….

You're crying because 99% of your life has already passed you by, and you still don't have any taste in music

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8fbc1a No.384545


Have you considered menopause?

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8fbc1a No.384546

I would cry too, if I lived 76 years and couldn't name 10 Beatles songs

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8fbc1a No.384547


"Can anyone find the FULL Desi Arnaz interview on the Mike Douglas Show that was recorded in 1970?"

Are you feeling okay?…

You seem to think you're at a bingo game in a nursing home

This is an imageboard….

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8fbc1a No.384548


The reason it makes you cry is because for you, this truly is the end of the world…..

For us? We've still got decades to go

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8fbc1a No.384549

My father lived to be 88 years old

My mother lived to be 90 years old

I've still got 30 more years left on this planet

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8fbc1a No.384550


Which reminds me :

How old were your parents when they passed away?

Because that's the most realistic gauge to determine how old you will live

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8fbc1a No.384551

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing both of your parents died at age 75?

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8fbc1a No.384578



That's fucking unbelievable

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8fbc1a No.384579


I can see you now.. going to the voting booth, confident that you were voting for a "genius businessman who was going to make America great again"


Dude.. that's so embarrassing! What were you thinking?

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8fbc1a No.384580

Maybe instead of visiting your fake News website, you should consider getting your GED

Because anybody who actually thought Trump was a billionaire genius businessman obviously never even got their GED

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8fbc1a No.384581

Anybody who actually believed the entire APPRENTICE fagshow about Trump being a billionaire genius businessman probably might want to go back and start all over again in the first grade…

That would be a convenient place for you to finally learn the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE

And the difference between a con artist and a businessman

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3d3424 No.384582


Schizoposting on an image board like an autistic meth-addicted kidfucker isn't going to rekindle your relationship with Jet, Andrew.

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