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49486c No.384462

After 2 years of kvetching and screaming and crying about the "Biden Crime Family" because Hunter Biden had sex and did some drugs, the court has figured out and put it on the public record that the Trumps are, in actual fact, a CRIME FAMILY!!

GOP on suicide watch. Qtards on suicide watch. Your mama on suicide watch.

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aacdc6 No.384466



"Summary Judgements" are very rare, although lawyers motion for summary Judgements all the time….

This judge indeed made asummary judgement, ruling that ACROSS THE BOARD, Trump is liable

(This is a civil case, but if it were a criminal case, he would have been found guilty before the trial ever began)

100% LIABLE ……

meaning there's no need for a trial

But Monday, the trial begins, so it's going to be a very fast process

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aacdc6 No.384467

When Mark Burnett came up with the idea for THE APPRENTICE, he originally had PUTIN in mind…

100% true….

Burnett traveled to Russia, pitched the idea, but Putin rejected the offer, instead suggesting that Burnett use Trump

When Burnett approached Trump, the illiterate apeman WAS FLAT BROKE

not only was he broke, he was $4 BILLION IN DEBT

Trump once described himself as "an actor who plays the role of a billionaire"

The Apprentice was his only source of income

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aacdc6 No.384468

Of all the confusing things on Earth, I can't figure out why the story aboutTRUMP & EPSTEIN RAPING A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL NAMED KATIE JOHNSONstill hasn't been reported by the news media

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aacdc6 No.384469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you want to know the real "behind the scenes" dirt….

find somebody who was actually there, BEHIND THE SCENES


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aacdc6 No.384470

Noel CASLER knows all about the Trump/Epstein situation, and the 13 year old Katie Johnson being repeatedly raped by Trump & Epstein

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aacdc6 No.384471

8n fact, the court documents regarding Katie Johnson are available online

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