I've become convinced over the past several years — particularly since the war in Ukraine began — that the world is changing much more quickly than most Americans understand. And because there's virtually no coverage of the rest of the world in American media, Americans don't have a good sense of it. What we, in this country, refer to as the "Post-War Order” — the institutions set up in the wake of World War II to keep the world peaceful and prosperous and the United States at the top of the pyramid, and that would include the dominance of the dollar, the SWIFT system, NATO — all of that appears to me to be crumbling. That's my view of it. I've wanted to travel and see if that is, in fact, happening — and it is.
Backup Everything, All Online Servers Should Move OUT of Europe, EU Set To Police Internet Speech By 2024
MY COMMENT: Websites like the one I'm posting on should not host servers inside Europe and if need be, should simply block all European IP ranges! I would recommend users making lists of exactly what sites & sources you like to see as information will be much more censored on search engines! Europeans will have to be using VPNs and Tor from 2024 on.
If You Support Another World War, At Least Know The History That Started It
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gaining Support To Become A Third-party Candidate
Beware, Your Pastor Might Be An Undercover FEMA Agent For Their Clergy Response Teams
MY COMMENT: Beware ANY public aid during a natural or man-made crisis, anyone offering you food or water at a perish could be there to round up people and take them to FEMA Camps! This is why you must remain vigilant and well prepared to deal with a crisis on your own terms!
Catherine Austin Fitts: Somebody Is Still Trying To Kill You, Don’t Let Them
The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here's What Will Happen Next.
In my estimation, the fastest way to a crisis is to stop the production and distribution of food. Most people have, at best, seven days’ worth of chow in their pantries and refrigerators — that is if they just got home from Kroger minutes before reading this. In reality, we are about three days away from buck-shotting our marauding neighbors as they try to slit our throats for our last can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.
The Uniparty (i.e. Democrats and their RINO co-conspirators) will do what they always do: they will carry out a major false flag terrorist attack or some other type of nation-rattling terror operation. The Ukraine War-loving Democrats may also push Biden to provoke Russia into the use of a nuclear weapon in Ukraine in order to trigger NATO involvement via Article 5 due to radioactive contamination spreading across Europe.