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4ef802 No.384264

Every phone and television in the U.S. will be getting an alarm at the same time on Oct. 4 during a test of two of the country’s emergency alert systems.

The emergency messages will be sent through the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system for mobile phones and the Emergency Alert System (EAS) for televisions and radios.

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4ef802 No.384267

I have already taken the liberty of reporting KILLCEN to the Wireless Emergency Alerts System for having shitty electronics equipment

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2192f9 No.384278


MY COMMENT: It doesn't matter what they say now, or in the future, no matter what happens or what event. I'm going to continue doing what I always do. I'm not leaving anywhere, I'm not going anywhere, I'm not doing anything but hunkering down as the world collapses!

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2192f9 No.384279

By the way, my flip phone may or may not receive that alert. I know my TV won't receive that alert. Unless they can hack into an old DVD player to broadcast it.

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