There's fake.There's gay.There's fake and gay. And then there's Elon Musk pretending to be pro-free speech.
I am fairly certain that he is part of the ZOG, there's no
way you can be a billionaire and a successful
businessman without jewish approval. There's also
strong evidence that he is partially jewish himself.
This is how the world works.
"Don't say things that Anti-White hate groups don't
want you to say because those Anti-White hate groups
will say you're bad!"
This is the most prostrated statement I've ever seen. If
you live your life in fear of what the ADL thinks of you,
you're already dead inside.- with #BanTheADL
Folks Earn: Jonathan Greenblatt good-boy-points by so
vociferously condemning Racism™ and Antisemitism™,
you say nothing about the Anti-White hatred that
dominates social media, or the broader War On White
People that is destroying Western Civilization.
we should start a campaign like the con inc did with the
blacks about getting off the democrat plantation except
fear it towards boomers to get off the Jewish
If you tell the truth about the ADL - or any other shotcaller
in the Anti-White Industrial Complex - they'll take
everything from you, all while playing the victim.
Unfortunately, no one in our political class is willing to
tell these dorks to get fucked. All of Washington DC
responds with a resounding "Yes, massa!"
The least surprising thing about the long-overdue
groundswell against the Anti-White ADL is the utter
silence from elected Republicans.
Despite all of their grandstanding about the FBI,
Republican office-holders have never mentioned the
2022 whistleblower revelation that the FBI specifically
targets White Americans to frame for non-existent Hate
Crimes™ and Domestic Terror™.
Republican office-holders won't mention the ADL -
never mind address the fact that the ADL quite literally
trains every FBI agent.
Nor will they mention that the ADL also:
~ Trains tens of thousands of police officers,
prosecutors, and judges
~ Partners with and censors Google, YouTube,
Facebook, Twitter, and more
~ Partners with PayPal to monitor online transactions
and cancel payment processing for those whose speech
they disapprove of
~ Partners with the largest gaming companies to
monitor, ban, and report to the police for Hate
~ Declared that saying 'It's Okay To Be White' is Hate
~ Declared that preserving Western Civilization is
~ Declared that opposition to Antifa is White
~ Promotes Anti-White Critical Race Theory in schools
~ Promotes mentally ill men's "right" to share
bathrooms with your daughter
~ Falsifies crime statistics to blood-libel innocent White
It's not cowardice from these politicians - it's treachery.
Those unwilling to stand against the # 1 Anti-White
hate organization in the world are just Jonathan
Greenblatts in less-vampiric skinsuits.
The ADL is undeniably one of America's puppet
masters, and when its strings are finally cut, there can
be no soft landing provided for the soulless marionettes
who danced silently to their tune.
Every grandstanding "clean up the FBI" Republican
politician and every Discount Code Conservative
"influencer" that fails to mention the ADL's direct
influence over the FBI is lying to you by silence or
The FBI has literally become the armed enforcement
wing of the ADL. These are America's Bolsheviks. Its
This unholy alliance of the # 1 Anti-White hate
organization and the most powerful law enforcement
agency is the most clear and present danger we face.
Order. Standards. Normalcy.
These are existential threats in the mind of the Anti-
White rainbow-flagger.
The Frankfurt School: 1923 – 2023.
Neo-Marxism, Neo-Freudism, Sexual Revolution,
Political Correctness and Gender Theory
1 – The creation of the crime of racism;
2 – Incessant change to create confusion;
3 – Teaching sex and homosexuality to children;
4 – The weakening of school authority and teachers;
5 – The increase in immigration to destroy identity;
6 – Promotion of alcohol consumption;
7 – The anticlerical propaganda to empty the churches
and the consequent destruction of Christianity and
8 – The creation of an unreliable legal system that does
not protect victims of crime;
9 – Dependence on the state or on state benefits;
10 – Control of the mass media and the possibility of
silencing them;
11 – The encouragement of separation or divorce;