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c88d77 No.384035

If elected to a second term, President Biden pledged that he will go to Congress to start any major war.


MY COMMENT: The problem with that is politicians like Biden LIE. The plan is to get into a major conflict with both Russia and China knowing they will lose in advance, to set the stage for a sudden "surrender" which is part of the bigger plan to dissolve America's Constitutional law and national sovereignty! NATO already announced they are planning mass drafts, which will be heavily protested by Western citizens! So now they are talking about war powers, as in usurping power over Western nations with the intent of forcing people into conscription. This will not end well, certainly not in America.

ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS: Rothschilds Created And Are Funding The Republic Of China




India and Saudi Arabia To Ditch US Dollar In Global Trade


Trump Defends American Auto Workers Against Biden’s Green Agenda: You’re ‘Being Sold Down the River’ To China


Democrats Do Have An Alternative Option To Biden If They Wish To Save Themselves And Country


Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime



Global Systemic Change Is Now A Matter Of Survival


Gas & Food Cost Rising With A Colder-Than-Expected Fall And Winter Coming Are Going To Test Our Prepping Capabilities


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3a04dc No.384109

bumping traditional news

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9b8439 No.384110

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000058

Surge Pricing ‘Will Eventually Be Everywhere’ Warns Financial Times


MY COMMENT: Hyperinflation due to debt insolvency and loss of the global reserve currency status is near. Have you prepared?

Japanese Panic Buy Gold As Yen Implodes, Inflation Soars


Leader of Failed Bankrupt State Wants New 28th Amendment To Nullify Our 2nd Amendment


MY COMMENT: No! We are never giving up our guns to despotic control freak criminals like you.

"I believe in the same democratic values that my father and my uncle believed in," RFK, Jr. said. "Civil rights, environment, good public health, anti-war, skeptical of the emergence of, the domination of our government by Wall Street, our foreign policy by the military industrial complex… If you go down that checklist, I check every one of them."


But the Democrat election machine refuses to allow a free and fair nomination process to take place, warns RFK, Jr. They've changed the rules. They've disenfranchised states that voted against Biden last time, so their votes will not be counted [in the primaries].

Hundres Of Illegal Invaders Spilling Into America By Train Route Every Single Day



The American population is being replaced at lightning speed.

European Elites' Dream Of Power Crumbles As Security Threats From Russia, Africa & The Middle East Grow


NATO Member Romania Threatens To Shoot Down Russian Drones


Neo-con Theory: You're Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Until The Nuclear Blast Hits Your Face


MY COMMENT: If they cared about Ukraine at all, they would want to end this horrific deadly war and negotiate a way out of it! Both Russia and Ukraine would have to negotiate and come to a peaceful compromise.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky Joins Mike Adams To Talk Global NUCLEAR WAR and STAGED PANDEMICS


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04ddd2 No.384122

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000059

Biden Seeks To Undermine Nuclear Power In The United States, A Very Bad Idea For National Energy Security


MY COMMENT: Meanwhile the regime is banning traditional appliances like incandescent light bulbs, gas stoves, gas and propane generators, ceiling fans, older refrigeration units, air conditioners, water filtering systems, and more! They also depleted the nations strategic oil reserves to keep gas prices artificially low temporarily. Now they wish to undermine our entire energy grid by blocking oil leases and redefining Uranium by claiming it is "non-critical" although nuclear power provides 20 percent our nation's energy. All of this while they are bringing us closer to world war! Can you say staging the event for a major loss!?

Long List Of Economic Sabotage Against America By The Biden Regime


Industrial Sabatoge: Another Key US Infrastructure Installation Has Gone Up In Flames


If you close your eyes in the middle of a war does that make you immune from defeat?

Surge Pricing ‘Will Eventually Be Everywhere’ Warns Financial Times


A violent assault on a Seattle gas station clerk by teenagers, all for $100 and cigarettes, further highlights the growing culture of violence plaguing America's younger generation. Progressive cities like Seattle have defunded police and only emboldened criminals to commit thefts and other violent crimes.


Leaked South Africa Pfizer Contract Admits Covid Clot Shots Are EXPERIMENTAL, They DO NOT Know If They Are Safe!


Hunter Biden Sues IRS For Violating His Privacy After Congressional Hearings About Corruption


US Government Declared The Number One Creator Of World's Bioweapons


New Project, GatGPT, Creating AI That Is Not Owned By Big Tech, Government Mafia


The Rockefeller Secret Covenant Plan - Just Like The Protocols Of Zion - The Entire Plot Is Laid Out


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