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File: d3bef8970c613a6⋯.jpg (208.06 KB,1080x1141,1080:1141,Picsart_23_09_17_09_15_04_….jpg)

54ef97 No.383966

I'm Albert Curtis, the old washed-up fossil who is attracted to young men!!

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54ef97 No.383969

File: e60cf67715a0104⋯.jpg (245.32 KB,1080x1594,540:797,Picsart_23_09_02_04_29_35_….jpg)

File: 95efe0115cfb27e⋯.png (2.05 MB,2683x1558,2683:1558,Picsart_23_08_30_18_35_22_….png)

File: 96f00def05f23e8⋯.png (3.06 MB,1733x3464,1733:3464,Picsart_23_08_30_13_37_44_….png)

File: 816cd6788f65d73⋯.jpg (161.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_08_29_21_18_08_….jpg)

Albert Curtis = 100% washed-up white trash

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54ef97 No.383970

Albert Curtis used to be married. I've spoken with his ex-wife, and because she's actually a very sweet woman, I've promised her that I won't ever mention her name in here.

But she told me a very interesting story about "AL"….

Albert Curtis has an odd history…

Especially for someone who considers the self to be a "white supremacist"

how can a broke, self-defeatist, trailerpark white trash divorced homosexual on food stamps & welfare be "SUPERIOR"?

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54ef97 No.383972

Albert's wife divorced him for many of the normal reasons, but according to her, Albert gave her an added reason:

She says he likes men ….

romantically speaking

which explains why Albert never found another girlfriend or wife since the divorce 21 years ago

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54ef97 No.383973

And why he spends his unemployed weekdays trying to lure in young men who don't have girlfriends

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54ef97 No.383974

For example, when my wife and I are making dinner together, laughing like kids …

Albert Curtis is trying to lure young single disenfranchised males with no history with girlfriends…

And when my wife and I are watching the morning news….

Albert Curtis is trying to lure young single disenfranchised males with no history with girlfriends, calling them his "FAM", which is gay as fuck

and when I'm fucking my wife in the ass….

Albert Curtis is trying to lure young single disenfranchised males with no history with girlfriends, calling them "FAM", and trying to determine which guy is "cuter"…

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54ef97 No.383975

Instead of trying to find a girlfriend, Albert spends every day trying to attract young men who've never seen a vagina in real life

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54ef97 No.383976


and he still never even looked

for a new woman in his life

that's called HOMOSEXUALITY

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54ef97 No.383977

Albert isn't exactly "leader material" when it comes to white supremacy

after all, he's a shining example of WHITE TRASH

white failure

He lives in a fucking trailer

He has shitty cheap clothes

He has crappy things

He doesn't work anymore

He survives on Government Handouts

He eats off a SNAP EBT Food stamp card

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54ef97 No.383978

According to Albert's wife, he drove a truck, a fucking white trash TRUCKER

truckers = human garbage

but then he lost his job, and always complained about having an "injury", claiming the trucking company is responsible for his "bad back"


a malingerer

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54ef97 No.383979

File: 2a22335de0b2d68⋯.jpg (157.25 KB,1263x1080,421:360,Picsart_23_09_17_10_49_45_….jpg)

Excuse-Making White Trash TrailerPark EBT Albert Curtis :

A burden on America's Taxpayers

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