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File: 33467d2bb3b1015⋯.jpeg (100.52 KB,598x632,299:316,0d29321fad133ef6.jpeg)

251a5c No.383961

– Now with More Tyranny! Extra Lies! Extra Pedo! Extra LGBTQ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/WTft5Nimziw8/

We are pretty well hated. Why? We don't take guff and we stand up for our values with dispatch. We are hated for our honor and our way of keeping ALL THINGS in mind from the pov of the SURVIVAL OF OUR KIND. The Base of the Hill is its Strength.

We have the temerity to have ideas about US WHITES having value. That our communities and culture matter! That we Matter as WHITES!

We think Whites should care about saving and continuing their historical identity as part of their selves. A person without a past is a person with NO FUTURE!

Cue in Left tard #MARXISTS!

I meannn, white people should hate their history. It's

nothing but lies, theft and murder.

Oh Look the #CRT Commie!

So with that we have 'we all bled red' and 'one human

race' …. really the same stupid in two forms.

Fish have red blood. Go marry one.

And race is visually obvious the same way

sub/speciation in other mammals is VISUALLY

OBVIOUS. 22 different groups ie races of Mountain

Gorilla. But One Human Race … Sure thing Chief.

This is lie. A lie they make you tell to force to into pact

with evil … one lie among many others … With God as

OUR WITNESS we shall not do this thing they demand

of us all.

Refuse. The Luciferian evil ascendant over the ANGLO

world only stands because folks daily make small

compromises and surrenders to its demands. This must


Truth must ring over these lands like the BELL OF A

GREAT CHURCH calling the people back to GOD, FAMILY,


hurt many ears and those that hate truth will of course

hate those that tell them as they hated BOTH JOHN and


We expect no less.

In response to this:

Dear White People,

Whether you choose Team Red or Team Blue…

Neither team will ever choose you.

Here's a question you won't hear in any presidential


"How do you plan to stop the War On White People

that's raging across America?"

Whites are ICKY says the one; while the other insists

you don't even exist!

…etc … White For White! Diversity is a Death Cult Blight!

Folks had this to say:

Quote: never heard Trump defend us now that I think about it.

When trump speaks he uses the same bullshit terms

the entire right uses "the middle class" "hard working


People that belong to these groups are mostly white,

thus he gets a lot of white support, but he doesn't

actually mean "white people" when he says it.

He then turns around and tries to give blacks 500

billion dollars, focuses on letting blacks out of prison,

gives black collages your money, brags about black

unemployment rates, after investing in black business

in inner cities.

What did he do specifically for white people? Nothing.

Now onto the News: Inquiries and Witchhunts; More Lies and More Tyranny!

WITCH HUNT: Homeland Security awards $20 million to

law enforcement, mental health networks, schools and

churches to label everyday Americans as potential


Buts is okay since the Charlie Brown #GOP are acting tough:

McCarthy Launches Biden Impeachment Inquiry – But not really! McCarthy SHUTS DOWN AP Reporter Defending Joe Biden’s Corruption and Lies, Forces Her to Admit There

is Evidence to Support Impeachment Inquiry – acts tough for voter base but really is no threat.

“Gloves Are Off, Families Are On” – David Brock

Threatens to Target the Children of GOP Members

Investigating Hunter Biden … meanwhile … Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump Aide Over Accessing

‘Laptop From Hell’ One Day After Biden Impeachment Inquiry Announced … You can't make this up!

But you won't hear about it:

MEDIA MARCHING ORDERS: White House orders media

to cover up Joe Biden’s corruption bombshells …

Just in time for new ELECTION LOCK DOWNS FDA Announces Emergency Approval for New #COVID Vaccines – How to Avoid Being another Government Experiment just say no!

Lab What Lab? CIA Bribed Analysts To Change Lab-Leak Conclusions: 'Senior-Level' Whistleblower says!

Crime and Punishment — January 6 Edition

We need to stand with January 6 defendants and all

political prisoners who are now being punished chiefly

for their beliefs … Torture and Abuse: DC Officials Place Jan. 6 Prisoners in

DC Gulag Back on COVID Lockdown, Solitary

Confinement Starting Today!

Time to lose the MLK loser thinking …


The Middle Class Is Increasingly Becoming "The

Impoverished Class", And The Poor Are Increasingly

Being Pushed Into The Streets … Inflation, cost-of-living crisis crushing Generations Y and

Z … So yeah … But it can get worse.

California to SEPARATE children from parents who don’t

support #LGBT genital mutilation … SEE?

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0308ea No.383964


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0308ea No.383965


LOL @ you receiving Government Assistance just to eat

hahahahaha you're a BUM

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0308ea No.383967


Just be honest, Ashtray Albert….

How many men have you lured to your trailerpark and had sex with ?

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0308ea No.383968

File: 2fb7cb7e15c0865⋯.jpg (277.49 KB,709x571,709:571,joel_peter_witkin_the_kiss.jpg)

It seems like you and KILLCEN would get married.

You're both washed-up old fools, who were never particularly attracted to women in the first place.

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