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File: 5218664e48f35f1⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB,argument.mp4)

1320a6 No.383955

My mom is always talking to her Jew friend on the phone. shes so annoying

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a06144 No.383958

File: 28e4f9c959ede9b⋯.png (467.44 KB,1080x1620,2:3,Picsart_23_09_16_21_52_54_….png)



Found this on another site and took the quiz. Rather fun. OP pic is your result rank.

What is my result rank? Care to take the quiz and post my results?


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a06144 No.383959

"Rather fun"

what a fun quiz!!

but then again, aren't ALL quizzes fun?

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a06144 No.383960

nothin' like a Good Old Fashioned QUIZ when it comes to FUN

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370b7f No.383962

well i hate the jews, and therefore ur mom too. That sounds really annoying !

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