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File: d5c0733db2621c7⋯.png (198.25 KB,800x1200,2:3,family_work_justice.png)

6cea74 No.383932


MY COMMENT: Found this on another site and took the quiz. Rather fun. OP pic is my result rank.

What is your result rank? Care to take the quiz and post your results?


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6cea74 No.383933

Johnny Neptune, I'd love to see your score too! Take the quiz and post the result!


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da95a9 No.383934

so you're posting online, bragging about the results of an online "validation" of your habit of wasting your existence online?

Impressive….. go apologize to your daughter and son-in-law

You have intentionally destroyed the quality of their marriage

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da95a9 No.383935


Killcen?…. I couldn't care less about some irrelevant online political quiz

I hate politics… I hate "news", and I have no need for other people's "opinions", so debate is pointless.


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da95a9 No.383936

File: eb87508ef42d633⋯.png (561.58 KB,1080x2176,135:272,Screenshot_20230916_113351….png)


Here's my results….

What does this mean?

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da95a9 No.383937



I'm guessing you've never had your dick sucked before?

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da95a9 No.383938

not exactly what I'd call FUN

not vaguely fun

not kinda fun

not remotely fun

not fun

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da95a9 No.383939

what's so FUN about self-validating your own predictable beliefs?

you already knew your own beliefs

So why did you need to take a "quiz"?

The "quiz" simply asked you for your opinions… then it told you your opinions…

how was this FUN ?

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da95a9 No.383940


QUESTION : do you believe in Santa Claus?


after taking this RATHER FUN quiz, be sure to check the exciting results !!

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c273db No.383947

File: b79c8298dce3b87⋯.png (219.74 KB,800x1200,2:3,PolitiScales_Results_9_16_….png)


Well, that was stupid.

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da95a9 No.383948


your son-in-law decided you had to move down into the basement?…

or was it your daughter's decision ?…

was it because of the smell?

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da95a9 No.383949



you inadvertently misspelled RATHER FUN

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da95a9 No.383950


have you already contemplated the fact that you and Ashley 'the savior messiah buddha' are in the same boat?

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da95a9 No.383951


have you asked her if she'd like to move into your daughter's basement with you?

or if she minds the smell of urine?

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da95a9 No.383952


here's an idea :

since you already got sent down into a basement, maybe this could be your opportunity to finally get out of nasty Missouri

Fond du Lac is waiting!!

ask Ashley's mother if you can move in downstairs

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da95a9 No.383953

File: 8d53186db1aac75⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,178x436,89:218,desitin_max_strength_tube_….jpg)

speaking of urine rash:

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